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Comparison of Word 2007 w/ Live Writer

I just started Blogging and one of my greatest concerns is to continue.  I am a consumer of Blogs, but only one’s that are updated relatively frequently.  As such, I don’t want to be one of those people who make a big splash and then dwindle.

I thought that blogging with Word would have made it easier and by virtue of that I would be more inclined to post items.  it really is easy and convenient so all of the blog postings to date were done with Word. 


My problem has been with including screen cap’s in the blog posts.  That experience has not gone as well, so I am now posting on Live Writer, which has been allot better about posting images, but poorer on the basic authoring capabilities.


So far i am very impressed, it would be nice to be able to leverage the authoring capabilities in Word, it is a much better tool for building content.