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SCOPE = System Center OpsMgr PowerShell Extentions

Source: Pavleck.Net

Jeremy (who is turning 32 on September 26 and is giving away presents) blogged about SCOPE. System Center OpsMgr Powershell Extentions is a collaborative operation between Jeremy, Marco Shaw, Cameron Fuller, Pete Zerger and - you, possibly. They are at the very early stages of SCOPE, and could definitely use people now and down the road - especially C# programmers and those familiar with creating PowerShell snapins. If you’d like to help, send Jeremy an email ( and let him know what you can do.

They already created a project on Codeplex, but there is not any documentation yet.

To get you into the mood of writing your own Cmdlets check out this article on MSDN Magazine about writing your own Cmdlets.

My first suggestion for a new OpsMgr Cmdlet would be some edit Company Knowledge cmdlet.