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OpsMgr 2007 Design Tips from the Field

Source: Raymond Chou

Raymond has posted an article about some Design Tips for OpsMgr 2007. I totally agree with Raymond’s list of Design Tips.

These are the ones I used for my last OpsMgr Design:

Design Rules/Best practices:
(1) No more than 2000 agents to MS
(2) No more than 800 agents to GTW
(3) MS for GTW should be dedicated
(4) No agents to RMS if MS reports to RMS
(5) No Agents Report to RMS
(6) RMS and MS close to active db
(7) Agents and GTW in remote locations report to MS close to active db

Look for the differences…

And what about some OpsMgr 2007 installations tips/best practices? Take a look at Kevin Holman's weblog he blogged about wether to use the DBcreatewizard or the good old SetupOM.exe.