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New version of System Center Content Search Gadget

Chris Scoville has created a new version of the System Center Content Gadget. This is one of the best tools I’ve been using for OpsMgr and other System Center tools. I’ve added it to my OpsMgr Toolbox article.


  • New System Center branding in the UI.
  • When you select a specific product in the settings/options for the gadget, the UI will now reflect what product you selected.
  • Fixed a bug that people with slow internet connections were seeing (the search results pane would not load correctly when there was a slow internet connection).  Now, users will see the flyout pane and the words “Loading…” in the search box while the search results are gathered.
  • Now, when you click the X to close the results pane, the whole flyout pane will also close.
  • When System Center DPM is selected from the settings, the results will contain a tab for DPM 2007 and DPM 2006 on Technet (previously it was just DPM on TechNet with no separate for the versions).
  • When “All System Center products” is selected in the settings (the default setting), the following tabs will be available on the results pane:
  • TechNet, MSDN,, Downloads, Videos/Media, Webcasts, Blogs, Forums, Microsoft Learning, and Web.  The Web tab allows you to search the entire web.

Go download the latest version.

Great work from Chris Scoville!
