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Announcement of new System Cent Virtual User Group

Today a new System Center Virtual User Group got launched.

“Welcome to the System Center Virtual User Group, a community dedicated to providing resources for education and collaboration between users of Microsoft System Center technologies everywhere!

This group is intended to function not only as a traditional user group holding periodic meetings (via LiveMeeting in our case), but as a discussion forum where users can work together and find resources in establishing their own traditional "physical" user groups.

Visit us at MMS 2008! For more information on how you can participate in the SCVUP, please visit us in the Community area at the Microsoft Management Summit 2008 in Las Vegas, NV, scheduled to be held the week of April 28th, 2008. We'll be conducting interviews, giving away MSSCUG t-shirts and holding a drawing for several prizes!

To receive future announcements: Click "Join" in the top right corner of this page and setup your free member account. Further details will be posted to the site and sent via e-mail to site members. You may also receive announcements subscribing to the RSS feed of the site weblog.

First Group Meeting is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, May 28th. A detailed agenda and meeting invitation will be e-mailed and posted in coming weeks.


The System Center Virtual User Group Team”

Go Join this User Group.