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[WCF]Secure a dynamically added message header via behavior extension(part 2)

[WCF]Secure a dynamically added message header via behavior extension(part 2)

This article is the continue of my previous one demonstrating how to secure a custom message header added dynamically in WCF message. In the previous part 1, I use a custom ContractBehavior to inject the security protectionRequirement that is necessary for securing our dynamically added message header.

In this one, I will provide the example that use a custom endpointBehavior to inject the protection requirement for securing dynamic message header. Things different from part1 include:

ü Use endpointBehavior instead of contractBehavior to customize runtime

ü Use an untyped messageheader instead of a user defined typed header

ü Use code to initialize the WCF runtime instead of configuration file(both client and service)

ü Use channelFactory(instead of auto-generated service proxy) to consume service

Here are complete code of the three projects(the same as part1):

l Shared Library

This class library(referenced by both service and client app) include a service contract and a custom endpointbehavior.

namespace SharedLib



    public interface ITestService



        string GetData();


/// <summary>

    /// my custom endpointBehavior class

    /// </summary>

    public class SecureHeaderEndpointBehavior : IEndpointBehavior


        public string HeaderName { get; set; }

        public string HeaderNamespace { get; set; }

        public ProtectionLevel HeaderProtecionLevel { get; set; }

        public SecureHeaderEndpointBehavior() { }

        public SecureHeaderEndpointBehavior(string headerName, string headerNamespace, ProtectionLevel pLevel)

        { HeaderName = headerName; HeaderNamespace = headerNamespace; HeaderProtecionLevel = pLevel; }

        #region IEndpointBehavior Members

        public void AddBindingParameters(ServiceEndpoint endpoint, System.ServiceModel.Channels.BindingParameterCollection bindingParameters)


        ChannelProtectionRequirements requirements = bindingParameters.Find<ChannelProtectionRequirements>();

//identifier for my custom message header

          XmlQualifiedName qnHeader = new XmlQualifiedName(HeaderName, HeaderNamespace);

            //set protectionLevel

           if(HeaderProtecionLevel != ProtectionLevel.None)



                if (HeaderProtecionLevel == ProtectionLevel.EncryptAndSign)




        public void ApplyClientBehavior(ServiceEndpoint endpoint, System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.ClientRuntime clientRuntime)


        public void ApplyDispatchBehavior(ServiceEndpoint endpoint, System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.EndpointDispatcher endpointDispatcher)


        public void Validate(ServiceEndpoint endpoint)





l WCF Service

The service provides a simple implementation of the shared service contract:

public class SimpleTestService :ITestService


        #region ITestService Members

        public string GetData()


            string data = "";

            OperationContext oc = OperationContext.Current;

            int i = oc.IncomingMessageHeaders.FindHeader("MyDynamicHeader", "urn:test");

            XmlDictionaryReader reader = oc.IncomingMessageHeaders.GetReaderAtHeader(i);

            data = "data from MyDynamicHeader: " + reader.ReadString();

            return data;




And here is the hosting code:

static void RunService()


            string baseUrl = "https://localhost:11111/TestService";

            using (ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(typeof(SimpleTestService), new Uri(baseUrl)))


                //configure service

                ServiceMetadataBehavior smb = new ServiceMetadataBehavior(){ HttpGetEnabled = true};


                WSHttpBinding binding = new WSHttpBinding( SecurityMode.Message);

                binding.Security.Message.ClientCredentialType = MessageCredentialType.Windows;

                ServiceEndpoint sep = host.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(ITestService), binding, "");


                Console.WriteLine("service has started...........");




l WCF Client

The client application will use channelFactory to consume WCF service. It first inject our custom endpointBehavior and insert an untyped messageHeader before calling method.

static void CallService()


            //init client service proxy

            string epAddress = "https://localhost:11111/TestService";

            WSHttpBinding binding = new WSHttpBinding(SecurityMode.Message);

            binding.Security.Message.ClientCredentialType = MessageCredentialType.Windows;

            ChannelFactory<ITestService> factory = new ChannelFactory<ITestService>(



            //here we inject our endpoint behavior into the client side proxy


       new SecureHeaderEndpointBehavior(






            ITestService client = factory.CreateChannel();

            using (OperationContextScope scope = new OperationContextScope((IContextChannel)client))






                        "Some test data..."


                string data = client.GetData();



