“who” is “where” given a map of SharePoint ?
Once I got a request from one of my colleagues in MS and his customer wants to find out “who” is “where” given a map of SharePoint. So, if there is a Site A being visited by X and Y and X happens to be interacting docLib B – is there a way one could query either the object model / database to find out.
1. Who is at Site A
Ans. X and Y
2. Who is uploading a document into dobLib B
Ans. X
It was really an interesting requirement, I had researched to find out a way and couldn’t find any built in feature to get this information except Auditing. Once you enable auditing it will log type of events that a specific user performing on a site in a table “AuditData”. You can see the user id and the type of objects (whether on a site, list, list item etc) and the occurred date in this table. Also you can pull the same details through object model.
I have written the following code snippet in a .NET console based application and was able to retrieve that information. I hope this will be helpful if anybody got this kind of requirement.
1: static void Main(string[] args)
2: {
3: using (SPSite oSite = new SPSite("https://blrs2r04-08:31990"))
4: {
5: using (SPWeb oWeb = oSite.OpenWeb())
6: {
7: SPAuditQuery newQuery = new SPAuditQuery(oSite);
9: newQuery.SetRangeEnd(DateTime.Now); //Retrieve information
11: SPAuditEntryCollection oAuditEntries = oSite.Audit.GetEntries(newQuery);
13: foreach (SPAuditEntry oAudit in oAuditEntries)
14: {
16: Console.WriteLine(oWeb.AllUsers.GetByID(oAudit.UserId).ToString() + oAudit.ItemType.ToString() + oAudit.EventName + oAudit.Occurred.ToString());
18: }
20: }
21: }
22: Console.ReadLine();
23: }