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Creating Custom Reports By Using Configuration Manager 2007 SQL Views

Yesterday we released a new document to help you create custom reports, determine which Configuration Manager 2007 SQL views contain the information you need for your reports, and identify the path between the necessary SQL views and determine what columns can be used to join them.  I posted the overview below:



Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 queries SQL Server views in the Configuration Manager site database when retrieving the information displayed in reports. The Configuration Manager site SQL database contains a large collection of information about the network, computers, users, user groups, and many other components of the computing environment. The database also contains objects that represent Configuration Manager 2007 items such as advertisements, software update deployments, configuration baselines, reports, and status messages. Configuration Manager administrators need to understand the different categories of the SQL views, what information is stored in each view, and how the SQL views can be joined to one another to create reports that return the desired information.

The Windows Installer CreatingCustomReportsByUsingSQLViews.msi package provides information that will help you to create custom reports, determine which Configuration Manager SQL views contain the information you need for your reports, and identify a path between the necessary SQL views and determine what columns can be used to join them. The download package includes the following files:

Before You Use – Readme document (BeforeYouUse_Readme.doc):
Provides information about how to use the other documents in the Windows Installer download package.

Using Configuration Manager 2007 SQL Views to Create Custom Reports help file (CM2007CustomReports.chm):
Provides an overview of the Configuration Manager 2007 SQL view schema and SQL views, an overview of the existing reports and associated reporting procedures, sample SQL statements for each Configuration Manager SQL view category, scenarios for creating custom reports, exercises for creating custom reports, an overview for writing report SQL statements, and an overview of the Configuration Manager Provider WMI schema. This documentation will be your main resource throughout the process of creating your custom report.

Configuration Manager 2007 SQL View Schema Microsoft Visio document (CM2007SQLViewsSchema.vsd):
Provides the Configuration Manager 2007 SQL views schema, organized by category.

Configuration Manager 2007 SQL Views Excel spreadsheet (CM2007SQLViews.xls):
Provides a list of the Configuration Manager 2007 SQL views with descriptions, a list of the SQL views and columns ordered by SQL view name, and a list of the SQL views and columns ordered by column name.


For more information and to download the documents click here.


J.C. Hornbeck | Manageability Knowledge Engineer
