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ConfigMgr 2007: OSD Task Sequence Fails with Unspecified error 80004005 and SETUPACT.LOG indicates invalid product key

Here's another awesome troubleshooting tip sent to me by Clifton Hughes in our Las Colinas office.  If you're deploying Windows Server 2008 or Windows Vista and your Task Sequence bombs out with a 80004005 error you'll want to take a look at this:


Issue: A Task Sequence Fails with error 80004005.  The SMSTS.log file shows an entry for this error as follows:

!sVolumeID.empty(), HRESULT=80004005

The SETUPACT.LOG file contains the following errors:

2008-08-18 09:51:14, Error [0x060551] IBS Callback_Productkey_Validate: EditionID for product key was NULL.
2008-08-18 09:51:14, Info IBS Callback_Productkey_Validate: EulaType (a.k.a. ChannelType) for product key is [Volume].
2008-08-18 09:51:14, Error [0x060554] IBS Callback_Productkey_Validate: An error occurred writing the product key data to the blackboard.
2008-08-18 09:51:14, Info [0x06012e] IBS Callback_Productkey_Validate: ProductKey Value=NULLSTR Error=ERROR_INVALID_DATA Show=1
2008-08-18 09:51:14, Info IBS Callback_Productkey_Validate: Storing return code 0x80004005 on the blackboard.
2008-08-18 09:51:14, Info [0x060130] IBS Callback_Productkey_Validate: Exit
2008-08-18 09:51:14, Warning [0x06011a] IBS Callback_Productkey_Validate_Unattend:Product key in unattend file is invalid
2008-08-18 09:51:14, Info [0x06011d] IBS Callback_Productkey_Validate_Unattend:Setting ShowUI flag to [0]
2008-08-18 09:51:14, Error [0x0603c7] IBS Callback_Productkey_Validate_Unattend:Invalid product key; halting Setup.[gle=0x00000490]
2008-08-18 09:51:14, Error [0x060120] IBS Callback_Productkey_Validate_Unattend: An error occurred preventing setup from being able to validate the product key; hr = 0x80300006[gle=0x00000490]
2008-08-18 09:51:14, Info [0x0640ae] IBSLIB PublishMessage: Publishing message [The unattend answer file contains an invalid product key. Windows installation cannot proceed without a valid product key.]

Cause: When deploying Windows Server 2008 Volume License Edition, or Windows Vista Volume License Edition, and attempting to specify the Multiple Activation Key (MAK) product key within the Task Sequence for the Operating System Deployment, these errors will occur, and the Operating System will fail to install. This is due to differences in the way these Operating Systems handle the unattended install with regards to the product key.

Resolution: To specify the  Multiple Activation Key (MAK) product key, add a command line for the SLMGR.VBS script to the Task Sequence as follows:

1. Right click the Task Sequence and select Edit.

2. Select the "Add" drop down menu, then highlight "General", and select "Run Command Line".

3. Name the Command line something descriptive, such as SLMGR Product Key Command

4. Add the following to the Command line section:

SLMGR.VBS -ipk xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx

5. Specify the Start in path as %systemroot%\system32, where xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx is your actual Multiple Activation Key (MAK) product key for Windows Server 2008 Volume License Edition, or Windows Vista Volume License Edition.

Once you do this you should be good to go.


Thanks Clifton!

J.C. Hornbeck | Manageability Knowledge Engineer
