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VS 2012 ALM Tidbits: The Feedback Client’s Two Modes

As the Visual Studio family of products (Visual Studio, TFS, Test Professional) nears its 2012 release, I thought I’d bring some short hits – tidbits, if you will – to my blog. Some of these are pretty obvious (well-documented, or much-discussed), but some may be less obvious than you’d think. Either way, it’s always good to make sure the word is getting out there. Hope you enjoy!

The Feedback Client’s Two Modes

One of the “new” new features of TFS 2012 is the addition of the Microsoft Feedback Client (download) for collecting feedback from stakeholders, end users, etc. This tool integrates with TFS to provide a mechanism to engage those stakeholders and more seamlessly include their insights in the lifecycle.

It’s important to know that this new tool provides a mechanism for collecting feedback in two distinct manners, voluntary and requested. The rest of this post will walk through each of these “modes”.

Regardless of the mode used to provide feedback, this feedback gets stored in TFS as a work item (of type Feedback Response) which then gets all the benefits of being a work item (auditing, assignment, linking, reporting, etc.). As you can imagine, this is a much more effective way of tracking feedback than email, lists, and forms. We’ll talk about that (plus licensing) toward the end of this post.

Voluntary Feedback Mode

This mode is used naturally by a stakeholder (I’m using the term “stakeholder” to mean anyone that may want to have a say in how a product evolves) to provide unsolicited feedback about a product or application. This means that if a stakeholder is using an application and thinks of an idea to improve it (or maybe even to report a problem), they can fire up the Feedback Client and include annotated screenshots, record video or audio, and notes.  

Voluntary feedback

In this screenshot, I provide “voluntary” feedback that I should be more prominently featured on Bing. Yes, I’m that way.. ;)

This is an incredible light and easy way for a stakeholder to feel like they have a say/vote in the direction of an application.

Requested Feedback Mode

As the name implies, this kind of feedback is given in response to a request for feedback from another user. Requesting feedback begins in Team Web Access on a project’s home page, by clicking on the “Request feedback” link under Activities. 

Request feedback

The requestor fills out the Request Feedback form:

Request feedback form

Which sends the following email to all included stakeholders (yes, you can send a single request to multiple recipients, as well as request multiple items of feedback in a single request):

Feedback request email

When the stakeholder clicks the link in the email, the Feedback Client will launch and walk the stakeholder through the process.Requested feedback in Feedback Client

Once the feedback is submitted, everything shoots back into TFS and is automatically linked to the Feedback Request work item.

Response linked to Request

Looking at the feedback response in my example:

Feedback Response work item

Okay, Now What?

Now that you have feedback in TFS, what do you do with it?

Several things, actually.  First, leverage the linking capabilities of work items to associate feedback with the appropriate task, backlog item, bug, or whatever. In my example, I linked my feedback request to a PBI:


This provides an even more cohesive story for “covering” the PBI.  Now not only can you see from a PBI all the tasks, storyboards, bugs, etc. related it to it, but you have a way to track “sign-off”, or at least unofficial support from stakeholders about the “doneness” of the backlog item.

Also, you may want to is create a few shared queries to better help you view and track feedback.

Feedback queries

In this example, I created 4 queries to help me manage feedback (again, just an example):

  • All Feedback – Flat list showing all feedback responses (voluntary or requested).
  • Feedback Requests & Responses – Direct links query showing all feedback request and any associated responses.
  • Feedback without PBI – Flat list showing all feedback requests and responses that are not associated with a Product Backlog Item.
  • Unsolicited Feedback – Flat list showing all voluntary feedback.

Lastly, if stakeholder feedback is important to you, add one of your feedback queries as a Team Favorite, which will make it show up on your team’s home page.

Team Favorites


  • To provide feedback (i.e. use the Microsoft Feedback Client), there is no licensing requirement at all. The Feedback Client tool is free to download, and there is no TFS CAL requirement to use it.
  • To request feedback (i.e. solicit feedback from others), you need to be part of one of the following licensing groups: Visual Studio Premium, Visual Studio Ultimate, or Visual Studio Test Professional.


There’s plenty of documentation on stakeholder feedback, but something that can fall through the cracks is the fact that there are indeed two modes of using this capability.

Hope this helps!


  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2012
    Thanks for sharing

  • Anonymous
    August 19, 2012
    Do you know of any plans to allow feedback to be provided without granting access to the TFS instance? I would like to be able to solicit feedback from our end-users. Could this be delivered via e-mail or some other mechanism. I cannot see our on-premise TFS instance ever been made visible to our customer base.

  • Anonymous
    January 04, 2013
    Hi Dave, I'm not aware of any such plans.  There are a couple of 3rd party tools (or at least there used to be) that could monitor a mailbox and automatically convert emails into work items.  That might help bridge that gap for you.

  • Anonymous
    November 09, 2013
    How can I resend feedback request without having to re-enter everything?

  • Anonymous
    October 26, 2014
    Hi Steve, can you tell me if latest version of VS 2012 (i.e Update 4) or VS 2013 now available with features to take feedback from end user?

  • Anonymous
    October 27, 2014
    Hi Mukti, I'm sorry, I'm not sure I fully understand your question.  Can you elaborate?

  • Anonymous
    October 29, 2014
    Hi Steve, I would like to know whether Microsoft has provided any solution to use MCF(Microsoft Client Feedback) with end user/customer. I am facing the same problem using client feedback when sending request to client who are not part of our internal TFS network. I have created user for them in my TFS, but when they try to connect to Microsoft Client Feedback, They are not able to connect. can you please help me in this issue.? We have VS 2012 Professional Version with Update 4 and TFS 2012. Thanks,

  • Anonymous
    October 30, 2014
    The core issue is connectivity - for anyone to submit content to TFS (in this case, using the feedback client), they need to have connectivity to TFS.  For "end users" outside your internal network (this is assuming you don't want to expose TFS through your firewall), I've seen many companies utilize Visual Studio Online (VSO) for collecting feedback, then synchronize/import that feedback into their on-premises TFS.  Either way takes a little bit of work, but it's doable.  It's just the nature of involving people who are outside your network with systems that are inside your network. Hope that helps.

  • Anonymous
    November 03, 2014
    Steve, Thanks for your feedback. Yes, due to some security concern we can't expose our TFS outside firewall. Ok. This is good option  rather workaround to use VSO to take valuable feedback from client.