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Get your feet wet with Application Lifecycle Management (ALM): 11/12

(I have to plug anything Neudesic does in this arena! You won’t be disappointed!)

Application Lifecycle Management (ALM), Presented by Rick Garibay, Neudesic

Find out how utilizing Application Lifecycle Management in your environment gives you consistent predictable developments processes, increased quality in service delivery, cost savings, superior reporting and traceability and much more. We will provide an overview of ALM, give an understanding of Neudesic’s ALM Program and talk about ways to successfully enable ALM in your organization.

Featured Products/Topics: Microsoft Office Business Scorecard Manager, Microsoft Office PerformancePoint Server, Business Intelligence, Reporting Solutions

Recommended Audiences: Technology Executives, IT Professionals, Business Executives, CIO, CTO, Business/Reporting Analysts, CFO, Business Managers, Business Decision Maker, Technical Decision Makers


Application Lifecycle Management

Wed., November 12, 2008

10:00 AM – 11:00 AM Pacific Time