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My thoughts about MMS2013

I was in Las Vegas on Microsoft Management Summit 2013 last week. I thought it would be beneficial for those who didn’t manage to get there to give you my thoughts about the conference through my experience. I also would like to highlight some sessions and events that I think are really interesting and worth to check for those who are working with MDOP suite products, Configuration Manager 2012 and MDT 2012 as well as doing desktop deployment projects.

Firstly, you need to check Keynote sessionCloud Optimize Your Business with Microsoft Management Solutions” that was delivered by Brad Anderson and was mostly around cloud solutions and our new Windows Server 2012 and System Center products.

Among all the sessions at the event, I chose to be on those that are about Configuration Manager 2012 and desktop deployment just because it is my primary technological focus. These are the sessions that I attended in person or watched later: 

At the end of every day, there was a socializing event named “Solutions Expo and Microsoft Pavilion”. In a huge room more than 80 partner organizations had their stands where conference participants actively discussed partners’ solutions and how to use Microsoft products. I personally had many chats and discussions with Microsoft guys as well as partner organizations’ representatives. I also found that VMware sold Shavlik Technologies to LANDesk. It is an interesting turn in IT market.

You can find all recordings of MMS2013 session here: And if you need to download them all (be prepared to get more than 30Gb of traffic :-) ), you can use a set of PowerShell scripts described here.


Overall I can say that the MMS2013 conference was really interesting and packed with events and good talks with MVPs, Microsoft guys as well as customers’ technical folks. I do recommend to spare some time and check videos.