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Reorganizing the Windows Desktop Developer Center...

We're moving right along with updates to the developer center and it seems like a good time to share the reorganized learn structure:

The following is an intermediate revision to the TOC, there will be more to come as we keep getting better at this!

+Windows Development Learning Topics
  +Learn Windows by Feature (not yet published)
      - Learn about Windows animation manager
      - Learn about Windows Graphics
      - Learn About Libraries
      - Learn about Sensor and Location
      - Learn about Windows 7 Taskbar
      - Learn about Windows 7: Touch
      - Learn about Windows Ribbon
  +Learn the developer fundamentals for Windows (not published yet)
      - Accessibility
      - Learn about Windows Web Services
      - Windows Core and File Development
      - Windows Graphics
      - Windows Networking
      - Windows Multimedia
      - Windows Power Management
      - Windows Security
  +Solutions (not published yet)
      - Learn how to write a Windows application with Hilo
      - Learn to Progrtam for Windows in C++
      - Learn About .NET Framework Development
      - Learn About HTML Development
      - Learn About Win32/COM Development
      - Learn about Windows 7: Overview
      - Windows Graphics How-tos
      - Windows Networking How-tos
      - Windows Security How-Tos
      - Windows User Interface How-Tos
      - Facebook SDK Overview
  +TYPE (no page created yet????)
      - Books for Windows Developers
      - Browse Windows Code Samples
      - Browse Windows Programming How To's
      - Browse Windows Videos
      - C++ Videos for Visual Studio 2010
      - Windows 7: “How Do I?â€? Videos


It's not perfect, it's not final... But it feels like we're taking steps in the right direction with the center.  Even after we reorganize the pages, we'll need to put some serious work into the target content on the pages.  Let me know what you think, do you see this as moving in the right direction?