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How To: Use Perfmon in Windows 7

Syed Aslam Basha here. I am a tester on the Information Security Tools team.

This blog post is in continuation with How To: Identify Memory Leaks In An Unmanaged Application blog post. I will show how to setup perfmon to collect data for the selected counter in Windows 7.

Steps to configure perfmon

  • Click on start –> Click on Run
  • Enter Perfmon and press enter, click on Yes



  • It launches performance monitor
  • Click on Data Collector Sets
  • Select User Defined node and right click on it
  • Select New and Data collector Set



  • Enter a Name, select create manually and click on Next



  • Select create data logs, performance counter and click on Next


  • Click on Add



  • Select the required counters say processor Time, Add and click on OK



  • Click on Next
  • Browse to a folder, click on next






  • You can enter run as user details by clicking on change button
  • Select save and close and click on finish



  • The user data collector is created
  • Right click on the newly crated data set and click on start



  • Right click and select properties if you wish to change properties defined at any point of time
  • Once you are done with your application testing, right click and select stop



  • The log file is created and stored at the folder mentioned in the above steps
  • Open the log file and analyze the data for each counter



  • Publish the results

- Syed