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Part 1 : SCOM 2012 R2 HealthService Event Reference / MOMConnector

HealthService Event Reference

This appendix provides information about the events that Microsoft System Center Operations Manager can log to its event log from the HealthService features.
NOTE : Not all the events that Operations Manager may log to its event log are included here. Many other events are logged by the modules that each workflow might use, for example, the database write module or group calculation modules.


Severity=Informational Message=A device which is not part of this management group has attempted to access this Health Service%nRequesting Device Name : %1

Severity=Error Message=A device on %2 which is not part of management group %1 has attempted to access this Health Service and has been rejected. To allow unknown devices to request permission to join the management group, allow manually installed agents to request approval in the OpsMgr Console

Severity=Error Message=A device at IP %1 attempted to connect but could not be authenticated, and was rejected

Severity=Success Message=The entity “%2” is now available%n %n Entity Id: %1 %n Management Group Name: %3 %n Management Group Id: %4

Severity=Success Message=The entity “%2” is now available through the system %5%n %n Entity Id: %1 %n Management Group Name: %3 %n Management Group Id: %4

Severity=Warning Message=The entity “%2” is not heartbeating%n %n Entity Id: %1 %n Management Group Name: %3 %n Management Group Id: %4

Severity=Warning Message=The entity “%2” is not reachable due to its server being unavailable%n %n Entity Id: %1 %n Management Group Name: %3 %n Management Group Id: %4

Severity=Warning Message=The availability monitoring of entity “%2” has been disabled%n %n Entity Id: %1 %n Management Group Name: %3 %n Management Group Id: %4

Severity=Warning Message=The health service %1 running on host %2 and serving management group %3 with id %4 is not healthy. Some system rules failed to load

Severity=Warning Message=The health service %1 running on host %2 and serving management group %3 with id %4 is not healthy. Health Service failed to process new configuration

Severity=Warning Message=The health service %1 running on host %2 and serving management group %3 with id %4 is not healthy. Action account is invalid

Severity=Success Message=The health service %1 running on host %2 and serving management group %3 with id %4 is still not healthy. However, system rules are now loaded

Severity=Success Message=The health service %1 running on host %2 and serving management group %3 with id %4 is still not healthy. However, health service succeeded processing new configuration

Severity=Success Message=The health service %1 running on host %2 and serving management group %3 with id %4 is still not healthy. However, action account is now valid

Severity=Warning Message=The health service %1 running on host %2 and serving management group %3 with id %4 is not available because service has been paused

Severity=Success Message=The health service %1 running on host %2 and serving management group %3 with id %4 is still not healthy. However, service has been resumed from a pause

Severity=Warning Message=The health service %1 running on host %2 and serving management group %3 with id %4 is not healthy. Entity state change flow is stalled with pending acknowledgement

Severity=Success Message=The health service %1 running on host %2 and serving management group %3 with id %4 is still not healthy. However, entity state change flow resumed

Severity=Warning Message=The health service %1 running on host %2 and serving management group %3 with id %4 is not healthy. Monitor state change flow is stalled with pending acknowledgement

Severity=Success Message=The health service %1 running on host %2 and serving management group %3 with id %4 is still not healthy. However, monitor state change flow resumed

Severity=Warning Message=The health service %1 running on host %2 and serving management group %3 with id %4 is not healthy. Alert flow is stalled with pending acknowledgement

Severity=Success Message=The health service %1 running on host %2 and serving management group %3 with id %4 is still not healthy. However, alert flow resumed

Severity=Error Message=The OpsMgr Connector for management group %1 cannot connect to Active Directory to retrieve connection policy. The error is %2 (%3)

Severity=Informational Message=The OpsMgr Connector did not find any connection policy in Active Directory for management group %1

Severity=Success Message=The OpsMgr Connector successfully retrieved policy from Active Directory for management group %1

Severity=Warning Message=The OpsMgr Connector successfully retrieved policy from Active Directory for management group %1. However, that policy is corrupt and cannot be processed

Severity=Error Message=The OpsMgr Connector has received a bad packet from the device at %1. The first bytes in the packet are in the binary data portion of this event

Severity=Error Message=The OpsMgr Connector could not connect to %1 because mutual authentication failed. Verify the SPN is properly registered on the server and that, if the server is in a separate domain, there is a full-trust relationship between the two domains

Severity=Error Message=The OpsMgr Connector could not accept a connection from %1 because mutual authentication failed

Severity=Error Message=The OpsMgr Connector could not connect to %1 because negotiation could not agree on the required level of security. The server security options are %2 and the resulting context attributes are %3

Severity=Error Message=The OpsMgr Connector could not initialize Windows Sockets. The version required is %1.%2, but the version available is %3.%4

Severity=Error Message=The OpsMgr Connector could not resolve the IP for %1. The error code is %2(%3). Please verify DNS is working properly in your environment

Severity=Error Message=The OpsMgr Connector could not connect to %1:%2. The error code is %3(%4). Please verify there is network connectivity, the server is running and has registered it’s listening port, and there are no firewalls blocking traffic to the destination

Severity=Error Message=The OpsMgr Connector cannot create a mutually authenticated connection to %1 because it is not in a trusted domain

Severity=Error Message=The target %1 is not supported. This commonly results from attempting to use an IP for authentication purposes, which is not supported

Severity=Error Message=The OpsMgr Connector has received an oversized package from IP %1. OpsMgr prevents large packages from being delivered to protect the system against flooding attacks. OpsMgr will never send oversize packages

Severity=Error Message=The OpsMgr Connector negotiated the use of mutual authentication with %1, but Active Directory is not available and no certificate is installed. A connection cannot be established EventID=21011 Severity=Error Message=The mutual authentication settings on this machine and the machine at %1 are different.

Severity=Error Message=The OpsMgr Connector negotiated the use of Kerberos based mutual authentication with %1, but Active Directory is not available on the remote machine and a connection cannot be established

Severity=Warning Message=Unable to listen on IPv4/TCP port %1. The error returned is %2(%3). This is typically caused by another application already listening on this port. OpsMgr will continue to acquire this port until it is available

Severity=Success Message=OpsMgr has received a bad configuration package, and will re-request configuration

Severity=Warning Message=OpsMgr was unable to set up a communications channel to %1. Communication will resume when %1 is available and communication from this computer is allowed

Severity=Error Message=OpsMgr was unable to set up a communications channel to %1 and there are no failover hosts. Communication will resume when %1 is available and communication from this computer is allowed

Severity=Success Message=OpsMgr has successfully failed over to %1

Severity=Error Message=OpsMgr has attempted to connect to all failover hosts and no hosts can be contacted

Severity=Success Message=OpsMgr has returned to communicating with it’s primary host %1

Severity=Warning Message=The certificate used for mutual authentication is expiring on %1 GMT. If this certificate is not updated by this time, this Health Service will not be able to communicate with other Health Services

Severity=Error Message=No certificate could be loaded or created. This Health Service will not be able to communicate with other health services. Look for previous events in the event log for more detail

Severity=Error Message=No certificate was specified. This Health Service will not be able to communicate with other health services unless those health services are in a domain that has a trust relationship with this domain. If this health service needs to communicate with health services in untrusted domains, please configure a certificate

Severity=Informational Message=OpsMgr has no configuration for management group %1 and is requesting new configuration from the Configuration Service

Severity=Informational Message=OpsMgr’s configuration may be out-of-date for management group %1, and has requested updated configuration from the Configuration Service. The current(out-of-date) state cookie is “%2”

Severity=Success Message=OpsMgr has received new configuration for management group %1 from the Configuration Service. The new state cookie is “%2”

Severity=Success Message=OpsMgr has received confirmation for management group %1 from the Configuration Service that our existing configuration is up-to-date. The current state cookie is “%2”

Severity=Error Message=OpsMgr has received configuration for management group %1 from the Configuration Service, but failed to process the configuration. Configuration will be re-requested The current state cookie is “%2” (State cookie may be empty if there is no active configuration)

Severity=Error Message=Performance data from the OpsMgr connector could not be collected since required registry keys could not be read, the error code was “%1”.

Severity=Error Message=Performance data from the OpsMgr connector could not be collected since opening the shared data failed with error “%1”.

Severity=Error Message=OpsMgr connector performance counter writer initialization failed with error “%1”.

Severity=Informational Message=OpsMgr succeeded to add socket server on port %1.

Severity=Informational Message=A new Management Group %1 was added to the Microsoft Operations Manager Agent

Severity=Informational Message=The Management Group %1 was removed from the Microsoft Operations Manager Agent

Severity=Warning Message=The Management Group %1 has no configured parents and most monitoring tasks cannot be performed. This can happen if a management group in Active Directory does not have any server SCPs or if the agent does not have access to any server SCPs

Severity=Warning Message=Registration of a SPN for this computer with the “%1” service class has failed with error “%2”. This may cause Kerberos authentication to or from this Health Service to fail

Severity=Error Message=The certificate specified in the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Operations Manager\3.0\Machine Settings cannot be used for authentication. The error is %1(%2)

Severity=Warning Message=Operations Manager has received data for management group ‘%1’ from health service %2. This health service is attempting to send data from or about health service %3 but is not authorized to do so. The data has been discarded. This may indicate an attack on this health service, or it may be a result of configuration not being in sync across management servers Because this event may occur frequently, it will be suppressed for the next 5 minutes

Severity=Warning Message=Operations Manager has received data for management group ‘%1’ from health service %2, which is reported as originally sent by health service %3 This health service is attempting to send data from or about health service %4 but is not authorized to do so. The data has been discarded. This may indicate an attack on this health service, or it may be a result of configuration not being in sync across management servers Because this event may occur frequently, it will be suppressed for the next 5 minutes

Severity=Error Message=Operations Manager has received a ‘NULL Set’. NULL Sets are not supported in a distributed workflow and the data item has been dropped. Management Group: %1 Sending Health Service: %2 Originating Health Service: %3

Severity=Error Message=Operations Manager was unable to process a configuration file for management group %1 due to an internal error. Configuration has been re-requested. A copy of the configuration file will be placed in %2

Severity=Error Message=Operations Manager has received a bad configuration file for management group %1 which could not be parsed. Configuration has been re-requested. A copy of the bad configuration file will be placed in %2

Severity=Informational Message=Operations Manager has discarded %1 items in management group %2, which came from %3. These items have been discarded because no valid route exists at this time. This can happen when new devices are added to the topology but the complete topology has not been distributed yet. The discarded items will be regenerated

Severity=Warning Message=Unable to listen on TCP/IPv6 port %1. The error returned is %2(%3). This is typically caused by another application already listening on this port. OpsMgr will continue to acquire this port until it is available

Severity=Error Message=The OpsMgr Connector cannot uncompress package, received from IP %1.

Severity=Warning Message=The health service %1 running on host %2 and serving management group %3 with id %4 is not available because the OpsMgr Connector cannot log to the event log

Severity=Success Message=The health service %1 running on host %2 and serving management group %3 with id %4 is still not healthy. However, the OpsMgr Connector is now able to log to the event log

EventID=20046 Severity=Success Message=The health service on %1 is attempting to communicate with a management group that does not exist on this server. The management group Id the agent is requesting is %2. Please verify that the management group specified on the agent and server is correct

Severity=Success Message=The Health Service has re-routed or deleted items destined for %2 in management group %1 due to a topology change.%n Items deleted due to routes no longer valid : %4%n Items re-routed : %3

Severity=Success Message=The Health Service has re-routed or deleted items destined for multiple destinations in management group %1 due to a topology change.%n Items deleted due to routes no longer valid : %3%n Items re-routed : %2

Severity=Error Message=The specified certificate could not be loaded because the Key Usage specified does not meet OpsMgr requirements. The certificate must have the following usage types:%n%n Digital Signature%n Key Encipherment%n

Severity=Error Message=The specified certificate could not be loaded because the Enhanced Key Usage specified does not meet OpsMgr requirements. The certificate must have the following usage types:%n%n Server Authentication ( Client Authentication (

Severity=Error Message=The specified certificate could not be loaded because the certificate is not currently valid. Verify that the system time is correct and re-issue the certificate if necessary%n Certificate Valid Start Time : %1%n Certificate Valid End Time : %2

Severity=Error Message=The specified certificate could not be loaded because the Subject name on the certificate does not match the local computer name%n Certificate Subject Name : %1%n Computer Name : %2

Severity=Success Message=The OpsMgr Connector has loaded the specified authentication certificate successfully

Severity=Error Message=The specified certificate could not be loaded because an internal error occurred while attempting to load the certificate

Severity=Error Message=Failed to load the root connector. Please ensure that %1 assembly is loadable

Severity=Error Message=Failed to initialize the IPC channels for other processes to communicate. The HealthService might fail to start

Severity=Error Message=Failed to initialize security context for target %1 The error returned is %2(%3). This error can apply to either the Kerberos or the SChannel package

Severity=Warning Message=The Root Connector has received bad packets which have been dropped. It received %1 such packet(s) in the last five minutes

Severity=Warning Message=The OpsMgr Connector has found a duplicate record for %1 in its configuration for management group %2. The duplicate record has been ignored

Severity=Warning Message=Warnings occurred while processing configuration for management group %1. A backup of the configuration file with warnings has been placed in %2

Severity=Informational Message=Active Directory Integration has been enabled for management group %1

Severity=Informational Message=Active Directory Integration has been disabled for management group %1

EventID=20064 Severity=Informational Message=The OpsMgr Connector has found multiple primary relationships in Active Directory for management group %1. The primary relationship to %2 has been ignored and treated as a secondary relationship; %3 is the accepted primary. To address this issue, you can add an exclusion to the Active Directory assignment rule for the incorrect primary relationship

Severity=Error Message=The OpsMgr Connector has found both an Agent and a Server Management Group with the name ‘%1’. The Server Management Group has been preferred. Until this issue is fixed, monitoring may be impacted

Severity=Error Message=A Certificate for use with Mutual Authentication was specified, but that certificate could not be found. The ability for this Health Service to communicate will likely be impacted

Severity=Error Message=A device at IP %1 attempted to connect but the certificate presented by the device was invalid. The connection from the device has been rejected. The failure code on the certificate was %2 (%3)

EventID=20068 Severity=Error Message=The certificate specified in the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Operations Manager\3.0\Machine Settings cannot be used for authentication, because the certificate does not contain a usable private key, or the private key is not present. The error is %1(%2)

Severity=Error Message=The specified certificate could not be loaded because the KeySpec must be AT_KEYEXCHANGE

Severity=Error Message=The OpsMgr Connector connected to %1, but the connection was closed immediately after authentication occurred. The most likely cause of this error is that the agent is not authorized to communicate with the server, or the server has not received configuration. Check the event log on the server for the presence of 20000 events, indicating that agents which are not approved are attempting to connect

Severity=Error Message=The OpsMgr Connector connected to %1, but the connection was closed immediately without authentication taking place. The most likely cause of this error is a failure to authenticate either this agent or the server . Check the event log on the server and on the agent for events which indicate a failure to authenticate

Severity=Error Message=The remote certificate %1 was not trusted. The error is %2(%3)

Severity=Error Message=The health service %1 running on host %2 and serving management group %3 with id %4 is not available because the OpsMgr Connector cannot parse configuration xml

Severity=Success Message=The health service %1 running on host %2 and serving management group %3 with id %4 is still not healthy. However, the OpsMgr Connector is now able to parse configuration xml

Severity=Error Message=The specified certificate could not be loaded because connector was unable to obtain subject or issuer name from certificate structure and converts it to a null-terminated character string.%n %nFollowing is an algorithm used to search for name:%n %nIf the certificate has a Subject Alternative Name extension for issuer, Issuer Alternative Name, search for first DNSName choice%nIf the DNSName choice is not found in the extension, search the Subject Name field for the CN OID, “”%n %nIf the DNSName or CN OID is found, return the string. Otherwise, return an empty string

Severity=Error Message=The connector was unable to obtain subject or issuer name from remote certificate structure and converts it to a null-terminated character string.%n %nFollowing is an algorithm used to search for name:%n %nIf the certificate has a Subject Alternative Name extension for issuer, Issuer Alternative Name, search for first DNSName choice%nIf the DNSName choice is not found in the extension, search the Subject Name field for the CN OID, “”%n %nIf the DNSName or CN OID is found, return the string. Otherwise, return an empty string

Severity=Error Message=The certificate specified in the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Operations Manager\3.0\Machine Settings cannot be used for authentication, because the certificate cannot be queried for property information. The specific error is %2(%3).%n%n This typically means that no private key was included with the certificate. Please double-check to ensure the certificate contains a private key

Severity=Warning Message=Operations Manager has received a connection from a system running an older version of Operations Manager at address %1. The version of the remote system is %2.%3. The remote system must be upgraded in order to connect to this system

Source : Part 1 : SCOM 2012 R2 HealthService Event Reference / MOMConnector