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Post-installation steps

After Setup finishes, your browser window opens to the home page of your new SharePoint site. Although you can start adding content to the site or you can start customizing the site, we recommend that you perform the following administrative tasks by using the SharePoint Central Administration Web site.

· Configure incoming e-mail settings   You can configure incoming e-mail settings so that SharePoint sites accept and archive incoming e-mail. You can also configure incoming e-mail settings so that SharePoint sites can archive e-mail discussions as they happen, save e-mailed documents, and show e-mailed meetings on site calendars. In addition, you can configure the SharePoint Directory Management Service to provide support for e-mail distribution list creation and management. For more information, see Configure incoming e-mail settings (Office SharePoint Server).

Configure incoming e-mail settings

Before you can enable incoming e-mail on the server that is running Office SharePoint Server 2007, you must have configured the SMTP service on front-end Web servers in the farm and the Active Directory and DNS Manager on the domain controller, or you must know the name of other servers that are running these services.

This procedure configures the settings that are used for incoming e-mail. You can also configure options for safe e-mail servers and the incoming e-mail display address.


Membership in the Administrators group of the Central Administration site is required to complete this procedure.

1. On the top navigation bar, click Operations.

2. On the Operations page, in the Topology and Services section, click Incoming e-mail settings.

3. If you want to enable sites on this server to receive e-mail, on the Incoming E-mail Settings page, in the Enable Incoming E-Mail section, click Yes.

4. Select either the Automatic or the Advanced settings mode.

If you select Advanced, you can specify a drop folder instead of using an SMTP server.

5. If you want to connect to the Microsoft SharePoint Directory Management Service, in the Directory Management Service section, click Yes.

a. In the Active Directory container where new distribution groups and contacts will be created box, type the name of the container in the formatOU= ContainerName , DC= domain , DC= com, where ContainerName is the name of the organizational unit in Active Directory, domain is the second-level domain, and com is the top-level domain.


The Central Administration application pool account must be delegated the Create, delete, and manage user accounts task for the container. Access is configured in the properties for the organizational unit in Active Directory.

b. In the SMTP mail server for incoming mail box, type the name of the SMTP mail server. The server name must match the fully qualified domain name in the MX entry for the mail server in DNS Manager.

c. To accept only messages from authenticated users, click Yes for Accept messages from authenticated users only. Otherwise, click No.

d. To allow creation of distribution groups from SharePoint sites, click Yesfor Allow creation of distribution groups from SharePoint sites. Otherwise, click No.

e. Under Distribution group request approval settings, select the actions that will require approval. Actions include the following:

· Create new distribution group

· Change distribution group e-mail address

· Change distribution group title and description

· Delete distribution group

6. If you want to use a remote SharePoint Directory Management Web Service, select Use remote.

. In the Directory Management Service URL box, type the URL of the Microsoft SharePoint Directory Management Service that you want to use.

a. In the SMTP mail server for incoming mail box, type the name of the SMTP mail server. The server name must match the fully qualified domain name in the MX entry for the mail server in DNS Manager on the domain server.

b. To accept messages from authenticated users only, click Yes for Accept messages from authenticated users only. Otherwise, click No.

c. To allow creation of distribution groups from SharePoint sites, click Yesfor Allow creation of distribution groups from SharePoint sites. Otherwise, click No.

7. If you do not want to use the Microsoft SharePoint Directory Management Service, click No.

8. In the Incoming E-Mail Server Display Address section, type a display name for the e-mail server (for example, in the E-mail server display addressbox.


You can specify the e-mail server address that is displayed when users create an incoming e-mail address for a list or group. Use this setting together with the Microsoft SharePoint Directory Management Service to provide an e-mail server address that is more user-friendly.

9. In the Safe E-Mail Servers section, select one of the following options:

· Accept mail from all e-mail servers

· Accept mail from these safe e-mail servers. If you select this option, type the IP addresses (one per line) of the e-mail servers that you want to specify as safe in the corresponding box.

10. In the E-mail Drop Folder section, in the E-mail drop folder box, type the name of the folder in which Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services polls for incoming e-mail from the SMTP service.

This option is available only if you selected advanced mode.

11. Click OK.

Configuring incoming e-mail on SharePoint sites

After configuring incoming e-mail settings, site administrators can configure e-mail enabled lists and document libraries. For more information about e-mail enabled document libraries, see the Help documentation for site administrators.

Contact addresses created for these document libraries appear automatically in Active Directory Users and Computers under the organizational unit for Office SharePoint Server 2007, and must be managed by the administrator of Active Directory. The Active Directory administrator can add more e-mail addresses for each contact. For more information about how to manage contacts in Active Directory, see the Help documentation for Active Directory.

Alternatively, the Exchange Server computer can be configured by adding a new Exchange Server Global recipient policy to automatically add external addresses that use the second-level domain name and not the subdomain or host for Office SharePoint Server 2007. For more information about how to manage Exchange Server, see the Help documentation for Exchange Server.

· Configure outgoing e-mail settings   You can configure outgoing e-mail settings so that your Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server sends e-mail alerts to site users and notifications to site administrators. You can configure both the "From" e-mail address and the "Reply" e-mail address that appear in outgoing alerts. For more information, see Configure outgoing e-mail settings (Office SharePoint Server).

Configure outgoing e-mail settings


Membership in the Farm Administrators group of the Central Administration site is required to complete this procedure.

1. On the top navigation bar of the SharePoint Central Administration Web site, click Operations.

2. On the Operations page, in the Topology and Services section, click Outgoing e-mail settings.

3. On the Outgoing E-Mail Settings page, in the Mail Settings section, type the SMTP server name for outgoing e-mail (for example, in the Outbound SMTP server box.

4. In the From address box, type the e-mail friendly address as you want it to appear to e-mail recipients.

5. In theReply-to address box, type the e-mail address to which you want e-mail recipients to reply.

6. In the Character set menu, select the character set that is appropriate for your language.

7. Click OK.

· Create SharePoint sites   When Setup finishes, you have a single Web application that contains a single SharePoint site collection that hosts a SharePoint site. You can create more SharePoint sites collections, sites, and Web applications if your site design requires multiple sites or multiple Web applications.

· Configure Workflow settings   Specify whether users can assemble new workflows and if participants without site access should be sent documents in email attachments so they can participate in document workflows. For more information, see Configure workflow settings.

Configuring workflow settings


Membership in the Administrators group of the Central Administration site is required to complete this procedure.

1. On the top navigation bar, click Application Management.

2. On the Application Management page, in the Workflow Management section, click Workflow settings.

3. On the Workflow Settings page, in the Web Application section, the current Web application is displayed in the Web Application menu. To configure the settings for a different Web application, click Change Web Application, and then select a new Web application on the Select Web Application page.

4. In the User-Defined Workflows section, select Yes if you want to enable user-defined workflows, or select No if you do not want to enable user-defined workflows.

5. In the Workflow Task Notifications section, under Alert internal users who do not have site access when they are assigned a workflow task, select Yes if you want internal users without site access to be sent an e-mail alert when a task is assigned to them. Users attempting to complete the task by using the link in the alert will be directed to the Request Permissions page. If you do not want internal users without site access to be sent an e-mail alert when a task is assigned to them, select No.

6. Under Allow external users to participate in workflow by sending them a copy of the document, select Yes if you want documents to be sent to external users by e-mail when those users are part of the workflow but they do not have access permissions to the documents. If you do not want documents to be sent to external users who do not have access permissions, select No.


If the object in the workflow is not a document but a list item, the list item properties are displayed in a table as part of the e-mail message.

7. Click OK.

· Configure diagnostic logging settings   You can configure several diagnostic logging settings to help with troubleshooting. This includes enabling and configuring trace logs, event messages, user-mode error messages, and Customer Experience Improvement Program events. For more information, see Configure diagnostic logging settings.

Configuring diagnostic logging settings


Membership in the Administrators group of the Central Administration site is required to complete this procedure.

1. On the top navigation bar, click Operations.

2. On the Operations page, in the Logging and Reporting section, click Diagnostic logging.

3. On the Diagnostic Logging page, in the Customer Experience Improvement Program section, under Sign Up for the Customer Experience Improvement Program, select one of the following options:

o Yes, I am willing to participate anonymously in the Customer Experience Improvement Program (Recommended).

o No, I don't wish to participate.

If you select Yes, users can decide whether they want to report Customer Experience Improvement Program events to Microsoft.

4. In the Error Reports section, under Error reporting, select one of the following:

o Collect error reports.

If you select this option, you can also select or clear two options to control how error reports are collected:

o Periodically download a file that can help identify system problems.

o Change this computer's error collection policy to silently send all reports. This changes the computer's error reporting behavior to automatically send reports to Microsoft without prompting users when they log on.

o Ignore errors and don't collect information.

5. In the Event Throttling section, in the Select a category menu, select a category of events:

1. In the Least critical event to report to the event log menu, select the least-critical event to report to the event log for the selected category.

2. In the Least critical event to report to the trace log menu, select the least-critical event to report to the trace log for the selected category.

In the Trace Log section, in the Path text box, type the local path to use for the trace log on all servers in the farm. The location must exist on all servers in the farm.

0. In the Number of log files text box, type the maximum number of files that you want to maintain.

1. In the Number of minutes to use a log file text box, type the number of minutes to use each log file.

Click OK.

· Configure antivirus protection settings   You can configure several antivirus settings if you have an antivirus program that is designed for Office SharePoint Server 2007. Antivirus settings enable you to control whether documents are scanned on upload or download and whether users can download infected documents. You can also specify how long you want the antivirus program to run before it times out, and you can specify how many execution threads the antivirus program can use on the server. For more information, see Configure antivirus settings.

Administrative credentials

Membership in the Administrators group of the Central Administration site is required to complete this procedure.

1. On the top navigation bar, click Operations.

2. On the Operations page, in the Security Configuration section, click Antivirus.

3. On the Antivirus page, in the Antivirus Settings section, select one or all of the following:

o Scan documents on upload

o Scan documents on download

o Allow users to download infected documents

o Attempt to clean infected documents

4. Click OK.

· Configure search   You can configure several search and index settings to customize how Office SharePoint Server 2007 crawls your site content or external content. For more information, see Configure the Office SharePoint Server Search service (Office SharePoint Server).

· Configure Excel Services   Before you can use Excel Services, you must start the service and add at least one trusted location. For more information about doing this, see Configure Excel Services.

About Excel Services configuration

· Trusted file locations   These are SharePoint document libraries, UNC paths, or HTTP Web sites that have to be explicitly trusted before Excel Calculation Services is allowed to access them. For more information, see Add a trusted file location.

· Single sign-on   SSO enables authentication against external data sources without having to provide authentication credentials more than once. SSO authentication is required in a trusted subsystem environment. For more information, see Start the Single Sign-On service and Manage settings for single sign-on.

· Trusted data providers   These are databases that reside outside of the Excel Services farm and that Excel Calculation Services is explicitly configured to trust when processing data connections in workbooks. Excel Calculation Services attempts to process a data connection only if the connection is to a database that has been added to the Excel Services trusted data providers list. For more information, see Add a trusted data provider.

· Trusted data connection libraries   These are SharePoint document libraries that contain Office data connection (.odc) files that are used to manage workbook connections to trusted data providers. In the trusted subsystem model, front-end Web servers and application servers running Excel Calculation Services trust the accounts of the associated Office SharePoint Server 2007 applications. For more information, see Add a trusted data connection library.

· User-defined functions   These are functions that enable users to extend the functionality of Excel Web Services. For more information, see Enable user-defined functions.
