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Live Local - stuffed with cool features

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One of my friends just told me about a cool new Live Local feature. You can search for businesses and directly call them from the landline.

All this without even dialing the number. Local live would provide you a link that says - "Call for Free". When you click on this link, it will just ask you for a number where you can recieve a call and thats it. Your phone will ring and you are connected to the guys you want to talk to. Now isn't that cool?

Some other cool new services include the Traffic data, the Locator that finds where you are located (yes I mean where you are using your computer from - the physical location).

Some cool new sharing features like sharing the map in messenger, sending it in email, copying to clipboard and for all those blog junkies, yeah you can also blog about the location you visited last weekend by simply selecting the "Add Blog Entry" link.

 Cool isnt it? My next blog entry is going to be about where I am located with my current project and you will see Live Local in action :) 

Oops this seems to be working with the live spaces.