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Inspiration in Indonesia

Most people think of December and the holiday season as the time of genorosity and I suppose I do too. However, January has always held more special meaning in my heart. Several years ago, I went through one of the most turbulent times of my life in January. The support of family and friends helped me survive a very difficult time and I am extremely indebted to those that came to my rescue in my time of need. So, around this time of year, I suppose I am a little more sensitive to those suffering through tough times. So it is in times like these where my thoughts are often thousands of miles away...

Seeing the devastation and destruction in Asia has been a stunning . It seems a bit unreal--the casualties continue to mount, proving mother nature has the ability to be far more dangerous than any terrorist. But beyond the tragic death toll, the millions of survivors bear a burden most of us can't even imagine. Of course, it's easy to feel helpless from halfway around the world. I gain inspiration from people like Susi Johnston, a woman I learned about via Keith Pleas, who has gone over there to serve on the front-lines of this tragedy. Her blog has become one I read quite a bit to feel a little more comforted that help is on the way and people are being tended to. She continually provides status updates as well as pictures of what is going on there. Of course, their cause still needs support from those who aren't over there. The good news is that Keith has been working on the domestic side of things to help support the effort, including setting up a PayPal account through the Tides Foundation to channel money to the non-profit in Indonesia that is supporting the rescue efforts. Tides is not taking a cut and they are a 501c3. For those of us at Microsoft, that means the $$ is matched. I've given and still don't feel like it's enough. While it's a small token, I'd like to think every bit counts and hopefully it'll help a lot of people like Susi continue their wonderful work over there. To Susi and the people at the scene (as well as people like Keith, who has been so invested here), my respect and admiration go out to you. Forget my earlier post--you guys are the true definition of community...

{Stone Temple Pilots - Core}
