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Rudi Larno's WebLog

The One And Many

Visual Studio 2005 SP1

I just had a co-worker, actually a used-to-be technical manager, ask me if there is already a...

Date: 12/07/2006

My other blog

It is running Subtext and I have been posting bits and pieces. Go:

Date: 08/22/2006

The Developer & IT Pro Days 2005 have come to an end.

It was interesting to see the 'abstract' work I had been doing come together and result in people...

Date: 02/03/2005

Leaving Microsoft

I'm sure many of you have already heard, but just to make it official. Yes, I'm leaving Microsoft....

Date: 01/31/2005

Brad Abrams caved in...

Since I'm getting started in a new team, these are the kind of documents I am digging up these days....

Date: 01/28/2005


Date: 01/04/2005

Random braindump while triaging e-mails

I'm sure many of you find yourself in the same position, and maybe there are even tools out there...

Date: 12/10/2004

Unit Tests as documentation

Since Unit Testing is becomming a defacto used practice in modern programming, this is an...

Date: 12/08/2004

Developer & ITPro Days 2005 updated

Just slightly updated the agenda and some speaker details on Friday. If I had goodies to give away,...

Date: 12/06/2004

Updated Developer & ITPro Days 2005 Agenda

Just completed some more details on the agenda, and I will continue so in the next coming...

Date: 11/17/2004

Finally, InfoPath has Managed Code!!

Announcing the InfoPath 2003 Toolkit for Visual Studio .NET Back in the days that InfoPath was still...

Date: 11/09/2004

Win a Smartphone

WebcastsLooking to build applications for mobile devices like the Windows Powered Smartphone or the...

Date: 11/03/2004

New Usergroup online

Yes, a new User Group has just been launched. At the moment, dutch only, but...

Date: 10/25/2004


I try to keep this blog only on the technical side and not discuss religion or politics, but this...

Date: 09/23/2004

Dev-ITPro Days 2005 Feedback

For those that do not follow Alains blog, we are seeking feedback for the next edition of the...

Date: 09/23/2004

SQL Server Magazine is comming to Europe! Do not miss this event!

We are organizing a full day on SQL Server at the Kinepolis in Brussels. Two tracks with each...

Date: 09/15/2004

Windows XP SP2 (Dutch)

Ik heb in mijn referrals gemerkt dat ik nogal hoog scoor op google als mensen zoeken op Windows xp...

Date: 09/08/2004

.NET Framework Service Packs available

Thanks to the Microsoft Download Center Feed from I noticed that the...

Date: 09/03/2004 (dutch)

DISCLAIMER: The content of this site are my own personal opinions and do not represent my employer's...

Date: 09/02/2004

The Innovation Files - win a visit to MS Research (dutch)

See the stuff Microsoft Research is building right now, all the stuff I wrote about in my previous...

Date: 09/01/2004

Ferrari Fast Portable from Acer

Whooo, take a look at this nice portable from Acer: The Ferrari 3200 It actually has a 64-bit AMD...

Date: 08/27/2004

Innovation inspired by your Potential

The 'Your Potential, Our Passion' campaign has been in Microsoft for over a year now. And the first...

Date: 08/23/2004

Give IE Feedback

The IE team had been heavily involved in XP SP2, rightly so, the even say that themselves. But they...

Date: 08/20/2004

Comments on XP SP2

Here are my reflections on the comments posted to Take a service stop and clean your windows...

Date: 08/20/2004


He's got one, I know he wants one, and soon I hope to get one myself, but really I think I'll wait...

Date: 08/19/2004

Take a service stop and clean your windows

Of course, this is about Windows XP Service Pack 2, but as my co-worker Alain wrote in 'About...

Date: 08/19/2004


While perusing the otherwise very interesting and usually somewhat 'over-my-head' downloads from...

Date: 08/02/2004

IL Merge utility from MS Research

This can be an interesting tool (haven't tried it myself yet, but will do so soon). ILMerge takes a...

Date: 08/02/2004

Python for .NET

I've read some stuff around Python for .NET before and I found the article from Jim Hugunin very...

Date: 08/02/2004

Nice little videos

Summer is shaping up to be enormously wet, especially between 17h-19h. Just when I'd enjoy a nice...

Date: 07/08/2004

New cool summer SmartClient sample

I guess with the summer comming (yes here in belgium it still really needs to get started, yesterday...

Date: 07/08/2004

ISV Resources

The two main web-properties fo microsoft for ISVs

Date: 07/08/2004

MSDN ISV Community Center

Ladies and Gentlemen, We proudly present the brand new MSDN ISV Community Center at...

Date: 07/08/2004

The Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator

Never knew this tool existed! For a guy like me this is cool. Yes, I love a good QWERTY (usually...

Date: 06/17/2004

Windows XP SP2 for Developers

For the developers that care about security and wanting to make sure 1. They can develop on their...

Date: 05/07/2004

Re-instate the 'Esc'ape key!! (please, pretty please, with sugar on top?)

I would like to start a call to all developers in the world, and especially to the Longhorn devs; to...

Date: 05/07/2004

The Exploits are running wild - Sasser

If you have not installed the latest updates for Windows XP yet, you just might be too late. If...

Date: 05/03/2004

Microsoft flags the European Union

In order to celebrate the upcoming expansion of the European Union on May 1st 2004, Microsoft has...

Date: 04/27/2004

New exploits are comming at blazingly fast speeds

Protect Against Exploit Code Related to Security Bulletin MS04-011Code is available on the Internet...

Date: 04/23/2004

Candidates can apply here

This is indeed getting somewhat personal, if only they got my name spelled correctly! But yes, some...

Date: 04/22/2004

Het Vlaams Software Platform (VSP)

The 'Flemish Software Platform' (dutch website) is an organisation mixing the Academic and Research...

Date: 04/13/2004

Microsoft Belux Security Summit

Yes, I will be doing my thing... Upcoming Platform Security Enhancements: Windows XP SP2 and MS Java...

Date: 04/08/2004

Windows Update - nothing to report

Ok, this is my own simplistic view but still... As a habit, I tend to go up to the Windows Update...

Date: 04/06/2004

2^6 bit

In case you missed this one: next month is all about 26-bit computing. Yes, for us mere mortals that...

Date: 04/05/2004

Microsoft is going Public

Huh? Ok I always wanted to create those misleading article headings you find in magazines and...

Date: 04/05/2004

Bill Gates no longer Nr 1 richest man.

I actually heard this on the radio this morning thinking that maybe this again will take off the...

Date: 04/05/2004

Windows CE 5.0 Technology Preview available for download

You can find it on the MSDN site here

Date: 04/05/2004

The Best 404 page ever... Luke Hutteman's blog has the best 404 Page Not...

Date: 04/02/2004
