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SSTP support on Forefront TMG server

Hello Customers,

If you are wondering, when will Forefront based VPN server be available on Windows server 2008 – specifically when will Forefront VPN server support SSTP – which is  the VPN tunnel that was added in Windows server 2008/Vista SP1 that provides ubiquitous VPN connectivity across firewalls/NAT using HTTPS.

So here is the good news – Forefront team released Beta3 of new Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG).  This release of TMG has bunch of features including SSTP integration i.e. TMG based VPN server will now support SSTP based VPN tunnels. Please check-it out, test it out and provide your valuable feedback to us.

With Regards,

Samir Jain

Senior Program Manager

Windows Networking

[This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.]


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    It's not "ISA", or "AKA ISA Server" - it's "TMG" or "Forefront TMG" ISA does not and will not support SSTP or IKEv2, but as you correctly stated, TMG will and does. It's best to keep these products separate in your (and our customer's) mind.  The differences between these two products are very significant and seeking TMG features in ISA Server will only lead to early cranial follicle freedom.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Introducing such a topic you'd like to congratulate you've let us know. Have good work.