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where Design comes from this month

F:E:DThere's a fresh wealth of design ideas in this month's Where Design Comes From newsletter


Jonathan YuenMy favorite piece is Jonathan Yuen's design portfolio, which he's delicately sketched with ink and innovation.  Interacting is a joy and gives a satisfying sense of discovery.  Frame the frog, for instance, to find his photo gallery.
UniqloUniqlo showcases garments on the web.  Their coolest trick comes when you're toggling between garments.  The hovering image freezes -- and transforms itself into a photo mosaic which they dynamically generate using thumbnails of other available clothes.

Thanks again to Will Weyer for compiling the Fresh Electronic Delivery newsletter.  I look forward to it falling into my inbox every month. 


BONUS: This is an oldie but goodie from MIT, now making the rounds on YouTube: Whiteboard physics.