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MSDN Flash Ireland - International Resources - 1 Sept 06

Web Resources

  [SQL Server and Data Access] 2006 PASS Community Summit: Microsoft SQL Server Users Conference & Expo November 14 - 17, Seattle, WA Secure your attendance to the year's largest event dedicated exclusively to SQL Server education and networking. Join PASS to receive a discount on registration, and experience what a user group membership can bring to your career.  

Get a bird's eye view of Virtual Earth and other cool user experience enhancements.
  Your personalized MSDN Flash is showing this item because you chose to receive Mobile and Embedded Development news. Click the icon to customize your profile.   
Using the Windows Mobile 5.0 Managed APIs in combination with the .NET Compact Framework 2.0, it's very easy to access Pocket Outlook information on your Pocket PC or smartphone device. Learn how to do this using Visual Studio 2005.
Learn how the new MSDN home page uses language and location detection to surface geo-aware localized content on the page. Also, see how the MSDN home page geo-redirects users to any available, fully localized MSDN home page in the user's locale.
IronPython implements the dynamic, object-oriented Python language on top of the CLI.
August 29, 1:00 P.M. Pacific Jon Byrum, Microsoft Expression Product Manager, shows how Microsoft Expression gives you the power to create standard-based, cutting-edge Web sites.
A tutorial for building a photo management application that provides "tagging" support.

Security for Developers

  [Security] [Windows Vista] Protecting against Pointer Subterfuge (Redux) Learn about changes in the algorithm used in Windows Vista to encode and decode long-lived pointers in memory to make them harder to exploit after a buffer overrun.  


Product-Related Downloads

  [Game Development/DirectX] Microsoft MechCommander 2 Shared Source Release    

ILMerge is a utility for merging multiple .NET assemblies into a single .NET assembly.

Case Studies, KB Articles, & How-tos

  [SQL Server and Data Access] Global Consulting and IT Leader Builds Solid Foundation for Enterprise Business To enhance sales analysis with an advanced platform that would enable faster and more insightful decision making, Infosys deployed SQL Server 2005 as its Business Intelligence (BI) platform.  
  [.NET Framework] FIX: The wrong form may open in Visual Studio 2005 when you use the MdiParent.ActiveMdiChild.Name property in the .NET Framework 1.1    

Ministry of Sound deployed SQL Server 2005 to consolidate its data sources and provide the rich analysis and reporting functionality it required to gain a more accurate view of its customers.
By using Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server 2005 to develop their integrated response management solution, the Firefighters of Paris will be able to respond in record time to life-critical situations.

[.NET Framework - all] .NET Framework KB Articles
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[SQL Server and Data Access - all] SQL Server KB Articles
Click the icon to customize your profile Your personalized MSDN Flash is showing these items because you chose to receive SQL Server news. Click the icon to customize your profile.

[ASP.NET - all] ASP.NET KB Articles
Click the icon to customize your profile Your personalized MSDN Flash is showing these items because you chose to receive ASP.NET news. Click the icon to customize your profile.

[Visual Studio .NET - all] Visual Studio .NET KB Articles
Click the icon to customize your profile Your personalized MSDN Flash is showing these items because you chose to receive Visual Studio .NET news. Click the icon to customize your profile.


  [Visual Studio 2005] Find Special Offers on Visual Studio 2005 Get hands-on experience and learn new Visual Studio 2005 skills from a Microsoft Certified Trainer with real-world experience.  

  Your personalized MSDN Flash is showing this item because you chose to receive Microsoft Office Solutions news. Click the icon to customize your profile.   
This premium clinic covers platform features and how to build, extend, and assemble solutions using Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007.
This premium clinic covers Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 platform features, how to build and extend SharePoint Sites, and deployment options.
Hot Off the Press! New Books from Microsoft Press
Find training offers in your city on soon-to-be released Microsoft products, from the world-wide network of Microsoft's authorized Learning Solutions partners.
Get inside tips and techniques for ASP.NET 2.0, with the 10-hour, comprehensive video tutorial, Total Training for Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0: Building Web Applications.
  Your personalized MSDN Flash is showing this item because you chose to receive C# news. Click the icon to customize your profile.   
Test your knowledge of Visual C# with this question from the MeasureUp Practice Test for 70-549CS PRO: Designing and Developing Enterprise Applications by Using the Microsoft .NET Framework - Visual C# 2005. Then follow the links to check your answer and receive a coupon for 25% off any practice test.
Be one of the first to learn and use "Atlas" - three hours of training, a US$125 value.
Three hours of training - a US$125 value.
These ISV Web seminars for Microsoft partners focus on new features and functionality in the products' object models, and will get you ready to develop custom applications using the 2007 Microsoft Office system.  
August 22, 1:00 P.M. Pacific - Visual Studio Tools for 2007 Office
August 24, 2:00 P.M. Pacific - Using the InfoPath 2007 Object Models
August 29, 11:00 A.M. Pacific - Visio 2007 Development
August 31, 11:00 A.M. Pacific - Outlook 2007 Development
Be one of the first 300 ISVs to register and view all seven Windows Vista on-demand Web seminars between August 1 and September 30, and we'll send you a Windows Vista T-shirt and duffle bag. What's more, everyone who completes the series will be entered to win a Creative Labs Zen Vision:M 30GB MP3 player. Get them while they're hot and register today.
Virtual labs provide a great opportunity to explore the latest Microsoft software and platforms in a no-fuss environment. There's no cost, and nothing to install or format. With several SQL Server 2005, Visual Studio 2005, and Business Intelligence Upgrade lab modules, you'll learn how to make the most of these innovative technologies.
The upcoming release of Windows Vista represents a significant opportunity for ISVs. Find out how to develop and deliver Windows Vista-compatible software faster, more cost effectively, and with greater market segment impact than ever before.
  Your personalized MSDN Flash is showing this item because you chose to receive Microsoft Office Solutions news. Click the icon to customize your profile.   
Quickly evaluate or learn how to build great applications for Windows and the Web through a series of free, guided, hands-on labs which can be completed in 90 minutes or less. Choose from the following:  

Partner News

  [.NET Framework] Atalasoft's .NET Imaging Toolkit Discount for VSIP Members VSIP members recieve a 10% discount on .NET document and photo imaging toolkits until September 30. Use code VSIP2006_0930.  

'Diamond' enables access to top Crystal resources, open thinking, innovation, learning, and sharing.
Develop, debug, and deploy Php applications with Visual Studio 2005. Try it for free.
