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Dublin Event, Thursday July 20: .NET Generics @ MTUG

mtug A quick note for my fellow sundrenched Dublin readers (sundrenched Dublin readers?!) about an event this week:

MTUG Dublin presents: .NET Generics
Date: Thursday, 20th July, 7pm. Reception to follow.
Location: Buswell's Hotel, Molesworth Street, Dublin 2
Speaker: Mark Lawrence.

Rarely do new language concepts arrive that allow you to approach software development in a radically new way. Generic Programming is one of those concepts. Mark Lawrence got really excited about generics when they first arrived (as templates in C++) and has remained a big fan ever since. In this talk he discusses: What is generic programming and where did it come from? What do generics look like in .Net? Generic v Non-Generic, which code is faster, which more reliable? No, generic programming is not just about containers: rolling your own generics. Generic Programming and Patterns: designing and implementing with generics, patterns and software factories.

Fees: Free
Registration: Not required for this event – just turn up on the night.  


Although the summer is a relatively quiet time for usergroup events, Thursday night offers a great opportunity for the curious to discuss an important language and runtime enhancement in .NET 2.0.

Generics support in the Common Language Runtime also has a significant role to play in facilitating LINQ, the Language Integrated Query Framework, which addresses Object/Relational Mapping by "kicking it up a notch."
