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Riham Selim's Blog

Enabling alerts for Custom Fields in Work Item Alerts

UPDATE: The information in this blog post is deprecated as a new team owns this feature now - The...

Date: 09/07/2016

Troubleshooting issues with Visual Studio Team Services and TFS Notifications / Alerts

TFS and Visual Studio Team Services provide a way to Set alerts and get notified when changes occur....

Date: 08/23/2016

Debugging error System.InvalidOperationException Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool.

Riham Selim Riham Selim 2 1572 2014-06-09T13:41:00Z 2014-06-09T13:41:00Z 4 4383 24984 Microsoft...

Date: 06/24/2014

.Net contention scenario using PerfView

This is a contention case study from one of our ATs - I have been learning a lot about PerfView from...

Date: 02/24/2014

Introduction to PerfView

Perf view is our new favorite debugging tool, I very highly recommend watching the video series...

Date: 02/24/2014

Which performance counters to monitor on an azure role?

One of the first questions we asked when visual studio online (which was still back...

Date: 12/09/2013

Dumping the contents of a dictionary object using Windbg and SOS.dll

Riham Selim Riham Selim 1 13 2013-08-16T16:48:00Z 2013-08-16T17:01:00Z 2 729 4156 Microsoft...

Date: 08/16/2013

Resolving CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database [db] when running Create Database [BKUP] as copy of [DB] in SQL Azure

The easiest way to back up databases in SQL Azure is to run Create Database [BKUP] as copy of [DB]...

Date: 06/13/2013

How to convert pretty much any 2D image to a 3D object in OpenSCAD format

I have recently become quite obsessed with 3D design and printing, thanks to OpenSCAD that made...

Date: 06/08/2013

My SOS cheat sheet

Riham Selim Blog.dotx Riham Selim 6 40155 2013-02-07T21:12:00Z 2013-02-11T16:00:00Z 1 870 4964...

Date: 02/11/2013

Windbg - Breaking on specific CLR exception

I get this question quite frequently, "I know how to break on all CLR exceptions, but how do I break...

Date: 11/15/2012

Windbg QuickStart guide (Part 4 - Debugging unexpected program behavior)

First Chance Exceptions Let’s assume I have written some really ugly code like what you see...

Date: 03/14/2012

Breaking on Module Load

Let’s say we want to break the debugger when a specific dll is loaded, for example I want to...

Date: 03/14/2012

Windbg QuickStart guide (Part 3 - Crashes)

The approach you will take for debugging crashes is very similar between looking at the live process...

Date: 03/07/2012

Error loading sos.dll

Many times you get this error when you do .load sos 0:080> .load sos The call to LoadLibrary(sos)...

Date: 03/03/2012

Windbg QuickStart guide (Part 1)

The purpose of this post is basically to give people a quick start guide to windbg, over the next...

Date: 02/25/2012

Remotely enabling windows azure diagnostics

I frequently need to Enable and configure collecting performance counters remotely in my windows...

Date: 01/11/2011

Retrieving more than 1000 rows from windows azure storage

I recently hit an issue with my code when trying to retrieve data from Windows Azure Diagnostics...

Date: 01/06/2011

Error TF30059: Fatal error while initializing web service from server after installing SP1

If you are getting this error from the server right after installing SP1, you can open the event log...

Date: 08/27/2008

A few VS IDE Tips to make your life easier

This is a number of my favorite VS tips, let me know what you think Tip #1: Select Code Using Column...

Date: 02/01/2008