Geeky Storytelling
Virtual Server was made free, and now VirtualPC is also free. As Thom, as in beer.
Author: magicred Date: 07/14/2006
Sanskrit is still valid
My wife works for a major pharmaceutical company as a medical writer...she works on putting together...
Author: magicred Date: 07/13/2006
USB Hula girl Granted it's not available for Windows Messenger yet,...
Author: magicred Date: 07/12/2006
Misc. Spelunking
For anyone that might be skeptical about the graphics capabilities of WPF, watch this Channel9...
Author: magicred Date: 07/11/2006
Ready, set, go
Well I've been onboard with MCS for a couple of weeks now. The volume of minutia to get...
Author: magicred Date: 07/10/2006