Programmatically retrieve the GPRS’ APN configured for a Mobile Operator (XPath on Windows Mobile)
This was a good exercise as it showed how powerful XPath queries are, this time for XML Provisioning... Basically what the developer was interested on was the GPRSInfoAccessPointName of the CM_GPRSEntries Configuration Service Provider. The XML Provisioning Query was:
<characteristic-query type="CM_GPRSEntries" />
Once you have the desired query-xml, you can programmatically run it from within a NETCF v2.0 application by using the ConfigurationManager.ProcessConfiguration method (ConfigurationManager is a class of the Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Configuration namespace, defined in the Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Configuration.dll assembly).
The code is:
XmlDocument configDoc = new XmlDocument();
"<wap-provisioningdoc>" +
"<characteristic-query type=\"CM_GPRSEntries\" />" +
XmlDocument output = ConfigurationManager.ProcessConfiguration(configDoc, true);
Now that you have a XmlDocument, you can use a XPath string to search the value you want: you can look at the resulting xmloutput of the RapiConfig in order to find the correct XPath string, which in this particular case is:
/wap-provisioningdoc/characteristic/characteristic[@type="<INSERT GPRS ENTRY HERE>"]/characteristic/parm[@name="GPRSInfoAccessPointName"]
I recommend using RapiConfig precisely in order to verify what’s the GPRS ENTRY name is configured in your case, otherwise the application may not work. In my testings I tried with a GPRS operator of mine (“TIM”). In NETCF, you can run a XPath query by using the .SelectSingleNode() or .SelectNodes() methods of the class XmlDocument:
XmlNode aux = output.SelectSingleNode(
"/wap-provisioningdoc/characteristic/characteristic[@type=\"" +
OperatorSettingToBeSearched +
In conclusion, the sample code you may customize is (this was a NETCF v2.0 Console application):
static string OperatorSettingToBeSearched = "TIM";
static void Main(string[] args)
XmlDocument configDoc = new XmlDocument();
"<wap-provisioningdoc>" +
"<characteristic-query type=\"CM_GPRSEntries\" />" +
XmlDocument output = ConfigurationManager.ProcessConfiguration(configDoc, true);
XmlNode aux = output.SelectSingleNode("/wap-provisioningdoc/characteristic/characteristic[@type=\"" +
OperatorSettingToBeSearched +