Fun for the day - Automated Auto-Indexing!
We've been hard at work up here on a little prototype for you guys to try. This attachment is a basic automatic indexing solution built on top of SQL Server 2005 using the Missing Index DMVs that we discussed in our previous blog post:
Effectively, this will periodically determine top index candidates for your workload. It currently runs in a recommendation mode, but you can also have it run fully automated if you uncomment a line in the file.
We'd like to ask you guys to give it a try and let us know what you think. We're interested in learing about the kinds of workloads that it can handle and the kinds of workloads that it can't. We've played with this idea on a few workloads that we have, but we'd like to use this forum to experiment with how we get feedback from our customers to better serve you in the future.
It's also just cool, so give it a try ;).
Legal Mumbo-Jumbo - these are scripts, and you can do with them as you please, but please don't blame us if it breaks your stuff. It should work alright, but just be aware that we can't support these scripts to the level that we do for our regular product. We may be able to ship a similar feature in a future release based on the feedback we recieve.
Jianjun and Conor
June 01, 2006
It does look cool.
It might be wise to add some parameters that let the user specify which database(s) to include or exclude to help focus the recommendations where the user is interested.Anonymous
September 25, 2006
Since we’re starting a new blog for the whole query processing team, we think it’s appropriate to start...Anonymous
September 25, 2006
Since we’re starting a new blog for the whole query processing team, we think it’s appropriate to start...Anonymous
October 12, 2006
Now, I will admit up front that I haven't technically tried out all of their bits and pieces of the following...Anonymous
February 27, 2007
TableDiff.exe • Table Difference tool allows you to discover and reconcile differences between a sourceAnonymous
March 20, 2007
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April 06, 2007
Now, I will admit up front that I haven't technically tried out all of their bits and pieces of the followingAnonymous
May 04, 2007
just saw this on which i found on markAnonymous
July 19, 2007
The missing index DMVs are a really cool new feature in SQL Server 2005 that, in my opinion, have beenAnonymous
July 19, 2007
The missing index DMVs are a really cool new feature in SQL Server 2005 that, in my opinion, have beenAnonymous
September 18, 2007
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November 21, 2007
Published: January 9, 2007 By Cihan Biyikoglu Technical Reviewers: Lindsey Allen, Peter Scharlock, BurzinAnonymous
June 16, 2009
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