Tips and Tricks: Modify the baseline in Project 2007
Change is inevitable. Adding new tasks to a project that has already been approved and baselined can be troublesome—to you and stakeholders. But don’t fret. You don’t need to set a new baseline to take into account the new tasks. Just update the old baseline. To modify the baseline that has already been set, do the following:
- Select the new tasks that have been added recently to the project. This is important.
- On the Tools menu, point to Tracking, and click Set Baseline.
- In the Set baseline list, select the previously set baseline. It will have a date associated with it.
- Here’s the tricky part. Make sure you select the Selected Tasks option. Otherwise, you’ll reset the baseline for the entire project.
- Click OK.
One more thing: Make sure you communicate these changes to stakeholders, if necessary. Some people just don’t like surprises.
February 10, 2010
Thanks for these articles, I enjoyed them!Anonymous
July 07, 2010
How do I lock baseline from further updates? I would like PMs to set baseline, but not to be able to modify or change baseline afterwards. Thank you, Anna