Copy To or From a PowerShell Session
Copy-Item now lets you copy to or from a PowerShell sessions in WMF5!
Very cool.
Let's see it in action. First of all, copy some local files to a remote session:
$TargetSession = New-PSSession -ComputerName HALOMEM03
Copy-Item -ToSession $TargetSession -Path "C:\Users\Administrator\desktop\scripts\" -Destination "C:\Users\administrator.HALO\desktop\" -Recurse
Now, copy some files from a remote session to the local server:
$SourceSession = New-PSSession -ComputerName HALODC01
Copy-Item -FromSession $SourceSession -Path "C:\Users\Administrator\desktop\scripts\" -Destination "C:\Users\administrator\desktop\" -Recurse
Don't Cross the Streams!
What about copying from one session to another?
Copy-Item -FromSession $SourceSession -ToSession $TargetSession -Path "C:\Users\Administrator\desktop\scripts\" -Destination "C:\Users\administrator\desktop\" -Recurse
Mutually exclusive parameters! Ah, well, you can't have it all...
- Anonymous
November 01, 2015
thanks - Anonymous
July 06, 2017
Formerly I created each time a PS drive.But your method is much more efficient ;-)