powershell script to automate BPA for Hyper-V
Another little powershell script to automate some bits that i come across
this script will
1. test if you have the hyper-v bpa installed
2. download the hyper-v and install it
3. run it and list errors and warnings
4. output the whole thing to a CSV file
this is on the start of the script i have a bit more the add so will be posting more at a later date
#script begin
set-executionpolicy unrestricted
$testbpaexit = $null
$testbpaexist = get-wmiobject win32_quickfixengineering |where {$_.hotfixid -eq "KB977238"}
#if bpa doesnt exist download and install
if ($testbpaexist -eq $null)
write-host "Hyper-V BPA Not Found" -foregroundcolor red -backgroundcolor black
write-host "Downloading BPA...." -foregroundcolor Blue -backgroundcolor black
$rootpath = $env:systemroot + "\System32\wusa.exe"
$file = $env:Userprofile + "\Downloads\hypervbpa.msu"
$url = "https://www.microsoft.com/downloads/info.aspx?na=41&srcfamilyid=89d80c15-0082-4fef-a4fc-fefa463bed08&srcdisplaylang=en&u=http%3a%2f%2fdownload.microsoft.com%2fdownload%2f1%2fA%2f1%2f1A148F55-7C2C-41F5-912A-995476A49511%2fWindows6.1-KB977238-x64.msu"
$downloadobject = new-object System.Net.WebClient
write-host "Installing BPA...." -foregroundcolor Blue -backgroundcolor black
$parameters = $file + " /quiet /norestart"
$installbpa = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start( "wusa",$parameters )
write-host "Installation Done." -foregroundcolor Green -backgroundcolor black
#start bpa
write-host "Starting BPA Scan...." -foregroundcolor Yellow -backgroundcolor black
$bparesults = invoke-bpamodel Microsoft/windows/hyper-v
write-host "Done..." -foregroundcolor Yellow -backgroundcolor black
$bpaerrors = $null
$bpaerrors = get-bparesult Microsoft/windows/hyper-v |where {$_.Severity -eq "Error"}
if ($bpaerrors -ne $null)
write-host "Displaying Errors...." -foregroundcolor Red -backgroundcolor black
write-host "There are " $bpaerrors.count " Errors Detected"
foreach ($b in $bpaerrors)
write-host "Title:" -foregroundcolor Blue -backgroundcolor white
write-host $b.Title -foregroundcolor red -backgroundcolor black
write-host "Problem:" -foregroundcolor Blue -backgroundcolor white
write-host $b.problem -foregroundcolor red -backgroundcolor black
write-host "Impact:" -foregroundcolor Blue -backgroundcolor white
write-host $b.impact -foregroundcolor red -backgroundcolor black
write-host "Resolution:" -foregroundcolor Blue -backgroundcolor white
write-host $b.resolution -foregroundcolor red -backgroundcolor black
write-host "Help:" -foregroundcolor Blue -backgroundcolor white
write-host $b.help -foregroundcolor red -backgroundcolor black
$bpawarnings = $null
$bpawarnings = get-bparesult Microsoft/windows/hyper-v| where {$_.Severity -eq "Warning"}
if ($bpawarnings -ne $null)
write-host "Displaying Warnings..." -foregroundcolor Yellow -backgroundcolor black
write-host "There are " $bpawarnings.count " Warnings Detected"
foreach ($b2 in $bpawarnings)
write-host "Title:" -foregroundcolor Blue -backgroundcolor white
write-host $b2.Title -foregroundcolor Yellow -backgroundcolor black
write-host "Problem:" -foregroundcolor Blue -backgroundcolor white
write-host $b2.problem -foregroundcolor Yellow -backgroundcolor black
write-host "Impact:" -foregroundcolor Blue -backgroundcolor white
write-host $b2.impact -foregroundcolor Yellow -backgroundcolor black
write-host "Resolution:" -foregroundcolor Blue -backgroundcolor white
write-host $b2.resolution -foregroundcolor Yellow -backgroundcolor black
write-host "Help:" -foregroundcolor Blue -backgroundcolor white
write-host $b2.help -foregroundcolor Yellow -backgroundcolor black
# Output to a CSV file
write-host "Outputting to file...."
$Outpath = $env:Userprofie + “\Desktop\BPAHyperVReport.csv
get-bparesult Microsoft/windows/hyper-v | select resultnumber,@{name=”Server Name”; Expression={hostname}},ModelID,RuleID,ResultID,Severity,NeutralSeverity,Category,Title,Problem,Impact,Resolution,Compliance,Help,Excluded | Export-CSV $Outpath