Powershell - Automated Lync Deployment V1
If you need to deploy an environment this may help...
the script should deploy the windows pre-reqs, the lync pre-reqs, the local management store, the role specifc stuff , request the certificate and assign it and start the services and install network monitor
you need to have the CMS built and a topology published for this script to work!!
Please configure the first 3 variables for your environment.....
# Please Configure the following variables
$location = "D:\setup\amd64\"
$issuingCA = "dc-01.corp.contoso.com\CorpCA"
$nmloc = "d:\Tools\NM34_x64.exe"
Write-Host "This script will check for the installed components if they do not exist they will install them and reboot the server"
Write-Host "`n`nCheck Windows Pre-Requisites...."
import-module servermanager
$checkinstall = get-windowsfeature RSAT-ADDS, MSMQ, MSMQ-Services, MSMQ-Server, MSMQ-Directory, Web-Server, Web-Scripting-Tools, Web-Windows-Auth, Web-Asp-Net, Web-Log-Libraries, Web-Http-Tracing, Web-Stat-Compression, Web-Default-Doc, Web-ISAPI-Ext, Web-ISAPI-Filter, Web-Http-Errors, Web-Http-Logging, Web-Net-Ext, Web-Client-Auth, Web-Filtering, Web-Mgmt-Console
foreach ($check in $checkinstall)
if ($check.installed -eq $false)
$testinstall = add-windowsfeature $check
if ($testinstall.restartneeded -eq "Yes")
$restart = $true
$osver = Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem
if ($osver.version -eq "6.1.7600")
pkgmgr.exe /quiet /ip /m:"%windir%\servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-Media-Format-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~6.1.7600.16385.mum"
elseif ($osver.version -eq "6.1.7601")
pkgmgr.exe /quiet /ip /m:"%windir%\servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-Media-Format-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~6.1.7601.17514.mum"
Write-Host "Unsupported OS... Exiting Script..."
exit 0
Write-Host "Installing Visual C Pre-Requisites.."
$visualcinstall = "vcredist_x64.exe"
$installer = $location + $visualcinstall
& "$installer" /q
$installfin = "1"
Write-Host "Waiting For Install To Complete.."
while ($installfin -ne $null)
$installfin = get-process | where {$_.processname -eq "vcredist_x64"}
Write-Host "." -NoNewline
$verifyinstall = Get-WmiObject Win32_Product |where {$_.IdentifyingNumber -eq "{4B6C7001-C7D6-3710-913E-5BC23FCE91E6}"}
if ($verifyinstall -eq $null)
Write-Host "Visual C Components Installation Failed"
Write-Host "Visual C Components Installation Successful!!"
Write-Host "Installing SQL Server 2005 Backward Compatibility Components Pre-Requisites.."
$sqlbcinstall = "SQLServer2005_BC.msi"
$installer = $location + $sqlbcinstall
& "$installer" /quiet
$verifyinstall = $null
while ($verifyinstall -eq $null)
$verifyinstall = Get-WmiObject Win32_Product |where {$_.IdentifyingNumber -eq "{62D2F823-0EAA-496D-B0F9-A869BFC51550}"}
Write-Host "SQL Server 2005 Backward Compatibility Components Installation Successful!!"
Write-Host "Installing SQL Server Native Client Components Pre-Requisites.."
$sqlcliinstall = "sqlncli.msi"
$installer = $location + $sqlcliinstall
& "$installer" /quiet
$verifyinstall = $null
while ($verifyinstall -eq $null)
$verifyinstall = Get-WmiObject Win32_Product |where {$_.IdentifyingNumber -eq "{BBDE8A3D-64A2-43A6-95F3-C27B87DF7AC1}"}
Write-Host "SQL Server Native Client Components Installation Successful!!"
Write-Host "Installing OCS Core Components Pre-Requisites.."
$extlocation = $location + "setup\"
$ocscoreinstall = "ocscore.msi"
$installer = $extlocation + $ocscoreinstall
& "$installer" /quiet ADDLOCAL=Feature_LocalMgmtStore REBOOT=ReallySuppress
$verifyinstall = $null
while ($verifyinstall -eq $null)
$verifyinstall = Get-WmiObject Win32_Product |where {$_.IdentifyingNumber -eq "{9521B708-9D80-46A3-9E58-A74ACF4E343E}"}
write-host "." -nonewline
import-module -name 'c:\program files\common files\microsoft lync server 2010\modules\lync'
Write-Host "Installing Local Management Store.."
$progfiles = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Lync Server 2010\Deployment\"
$bootstrapinstall = "bootstrapper.exe"
$installer = $progfiles + $bootstrapinstall
& "$installer" /BootStrapLocalMgmt /SourceDirectory:$location
Write-Host "Enabling Replication From CMS......."
$config = export-csconfiguration -asbytes
import-csconfiguration -byteinput $config -verbose -localstore
Enable-CSReplica -Verbose
Start-CsWindowsService Replica
Write-Host "Installing Roles defined in Topology Builder.."
& "$installer" /SourceDirectory:$location
Write-Host "Requesting Certificate...."
$certreq = $null
$certreq = Request-CSCertificate -New -Type Default -CA $issuingCA -FriendlyName "Default" -KeySize 2048 -PrivateKeyExportable $True -Organization "HP" -OU "IT"
if ($certreq -ne $null)
Write-Host "Assigning Certificate..."
set-cscertificate -type Default -thumbprint $certreq.thumbprint
Write-Host "No Certificate Obtained... Please Debug exiting script..."
exit 0
Write-Host "Starting Lync Services...."
$timeout = 1000
write-host "Waiting for Services To Start...."
for ($count=0;$count -le $timeout;$count++)
$checkstart = get-cswindowsservice
foreach ($check in $checkstart)
if ($check.status -ne "Running")
write-host "." -nonewline
if ($Count -eq $timeout)
write-host "Service did not start in an appropriate amount of time, please investigate logs`n"
write-host "Services started successfully"
$localcache = "c:\temp"
Copy-Item $nmloc $localcache
$finalpath = $localcache + "\NM34_x64.exe"
$copycomplete = Test-Path $finalpath
if ($copycomplete -ne $true)
Write-Host "Copy Did Not Succeed exiting..."
exit 0
& "$finalpath" /q
$installfin = "1"
Write-Host "Waiting For Install To Complete.."
while ($installfin -ne $null)
$installfin = get-process | where {$_.processname -eq "NM34_x64"}
Write-Host "." -NoNewline
$verifyinstall = Get-WmiObject Win32_Product |where {$_.Name -eq "Microsoft Network Monitor 3.4"}
if ($verifyinstall -eq $null)
Write-Host "Product Installation Failed"
Write-Host "Product Installation Successful!!"
January 01, 2003
cool... thanks for the share will play with it in my lab! and report the script..Anonymous
February 14, 2012
You donĀ“t need to use while loop to install software. You can use Start-Process -wait and -PassThru parameters and capture the return code - depsharee.blogspot.com/.../how-to-install-software-with-powershell.html