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AIIM – Spreading the SharePoint Love – what?

My relationship with AIIM over the years has been fairly typical, I would guess – maybe a bit more affiliated than some, but not as tightly aligned as others.  I’ve taken some AIIM training classes, I think that I attended my first AIIM conference in about 1998, and I’m tentatively planning on attending the conference in 2009.

AIIM is an association of a lot of different vendors.  Does it really lead us many places any more?  It does make it convenient for software and hardware vendors to spread their messages.

To help vendors get their messages out, they provide periodic webcasts.  Check this one out… 

January 28: SharePoint - Truth and Fiction
In a recent AIIM study, over 400 organizations shared their opinions and experiences concerning Microsoft SharePoint. Some of the results may surprise you - they did us. We'll talk about the primary obstacles to scaling SharePoint, its impact on the overall IT infrastructure, just how satisfied are users with SharePoint functionality, and more. If you are currently a SharePoint user, or are considering becoming one - this webinar will provide you with invaluable insights.
Register for this webinar.
Brought to you by Oracle, the Most Independent Source of Truth and Objectivity about SharePoint.

Yes, it’s your Monday Morning Chuckle.