Post 100 - Blog Stats and Post Highlights
I was digging around recently and came across an interesting fact... My blog gets more views per month (~150%) than Microsoft official site for my team's product, VSTS Team Developer. Cool.
This is post #100 on my blog. So I thought is was a good time for a blog recap post. Though I've only made 166 posts total (including the 66 on (as compared to Scott's or Jeff's 1,000s), they seam to have made a reasonable contribution to the community.
A Google search for "serial C#" brings up my article as #1 and follow-up blog post as #3 (alternates slightly day-to-day). The article, Serial COM Simply in C#, was written well before blogs were popular. Googling "rs232 C#" brings up my post as #1. These posts have generated a steady stream of several e-mails a week from people asking for help over the last few years.
Here are some highlights though the years...
Whitepapers / Articles
- SerialPort (RS-232 Serial COM Port) in C# .NET
[has over 150 comments] - Removing Dissatisfies: KANO Analysis, a Decision Making Tool
Reference Materials
- C# Resources
- Favorite Web Design Links
- Seattle Downtown Tour, Coad Style
- Local: Free Wireless Internet (WiFi) in the Seattle Area
- Assimilate XML RSS Feed from URL in C#
- Get a Web Page's Title from a URL (C#)
- Outlook C# Extensibility: Contacts Without a Photo
- Register a Custom URL Protocol Handler
- Copy Paste HTML From MS Word: IE's DHTML Editing Control (in a .NET WinApp)
- Automating iTunes with C# in .NET
- Simple FTP Upload in C# w Free FTP DLL
- Obtaining Indented XML as a String
- Associating a File Extension and Context Menus with an Application in the Registry
Assimilate XML RSS Feed from URL in C#
- Edit File with Shell Registry Settings
Tools & Reviews
- 4NT - Powerful Command Prompt + My All-Time Favorite Utility
- Task Management Software (To Do Lists)
- Master Config Your PC
- ChoiceMail - 100% of Junk Email Gone
- I'm Using Windows Live Writer Too
- WinKey - Windows Key Assignment Freeware
- Blog Crawler - Blog Backup Tool
- VSWindowManager PowerToy - VS Plugin for Tool Windows Management
- XPathmania - XPath in VS
- Insert Formatted Clipboard plugin for Window Live Writer
- CoadNet VS Project Templates, Quick Code + Console App for C# in VS05
- Logitech Harmony Remote - The Ultimate Universal Remote
- Getting a Small Virtual PC Image - WinXP Pro in 550MB
- MS Word Tip: Automatic Bold on Bulleted Lists
Visual Studio Team System
Profiling a Unit Test
- TFS Work Item Hierarchy
- Managing Lots of Work Item Queries
- Real TFS Command Line Help
- VSTS Love w/ Korean Rap Music Video
Life Hacks
- Driving Directions Syntax (Coad Style)
- Life Hacks - Improve Your Life
- Noah's Rapid Pickup Process
- Calculating Stats on Sent Mail - Do you do a lot of e-mail?
- Work Life Balance, a Perspective
- My Wife, Dawn
- You are: Iron Man
- Music I Wrote as a Kid
- Gang Green Team Photo [my hockey team]
- Favorite Movies
- Texas Renaissance Festival
- I've Been Tagged - 5 Things About Me
- Lego PDA Digital Photo Frame
- Wedding & Honeymoon Photos
- Moving to Microsoft
- Engaged to an Angel
- Exploring Ice Caves
Old Blog Tags: C#, General, Personal, Scripting, Tools, VSTS, XML
Favorite Bloggers
- Jeffery Palermo
- Scott Hanselman
- Jeff Atwood
- Microsoft Guys: RobCaron, BHarry, & JeffBe
Blogging Lessons Learned
Some tips I've learned while blogging...
- Fresh original content is a must!! You've got to have good innovative thought provocative stuff to keep people coming back for more, otherwise you're just aggregating info.
- For me, blogging comes in spurts. So if I write a few posts, I save them and publish them once-a-day at the most. That way new content keeps coming out and is not overwhelming.
- A picture, even if it's not really relevant, makes a post more enjoyable to read.
- Nicely formatted and colored code always looks nice in a post.
- People ask "how much time do you spend on a post?" My answer, 20min to 3hrs.
- It's good to keep a list of topics for posts when an idea pops up. Sometimes I'll start writing a post with just an outline and finish it later.
- An offline writer is very handy. I use Windows Live Writer.
- You've got to post what you're interested in. Otherwise it won't be interesting to the reader either. A blog is a personal perspective on the world.
- When posting code examples, its always nice to include a downloadable example that can be quickly and easily run by the reader.
There you have it, a recap since my first post 3 years ago. It's been a fun, thanks for coming alone for the ride, and get ready because there's only more good stuff coming up!
March 17, 2007
Great post, very interesting to read your page, thanks :)Anonymous
December 09, 2007
How often or at what rate do you usually post or blog? I’ve heard from somewhere that blogging should be done in a regular rate but not too much otherwise you’ll lose any SEO-related benefits that may be provided by your new post.