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A Friend, when in need of help with Microsoft Forefront Security Products

When you think you need some help on ISA/TMG and UAG. I will be there for your help.

Unable to install Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent(MARS) on the Hyper-V server in a Hyper-V to Azure ASR(Azure Site Recovery) scenario

  In this scenario we had some Issues with VM replication on Azure. So customer had removed the...

Date: 02/10/2016

Virtual Machine Protected using Azure Site Recovery keeps on going to Resynchronization State randomly and then ReSynch will also Fail

  This Post will take you through an issue where a VM Protected using ASR in a Hyper-V to Azure...

Date: 08/31/2015

Unable to Add Hosts from Untrusted Domain to the SCVMM 2012 R2 Server

  Here is another very interesting issue that I worked on a few days back. Let me first give...

Date: 07/30/2015

Getting Error “Another machine with the same SMBIOSGUID is found” while Adding a Host in SCVMM

  So I am back to share some more interesting issues with you all. In this particular case we...

Date: 07/30/2015

What Happens when the Domain Connectivity from the SCVMM server Breaks

  Friends, I am back with yet another Post on SCVMM(System Centre Virtual Machine Manager). It...

Date: 05/21/2015

Transfer Type is not showing as SAN while trying to Migrate a VM even though the Hosts have SAN storage configured

  This is another interesting case on which I worked recently where we needed to scratch the...

Date: 05/20/2015

Names don’t get resolved from Windows 2012 R2 Virtual Machines which are using NVGRE to connect to the Internet on SCVMM

  This was a very interesting and weird issue which I worked upon a few days back. We had a few...

Date: 04/06/2015

Getting Errors like ‘Quota Update Failed’ and ‘Out of Sync’ while trying to perform all the Operations for Plans on Azure Site using SCVMM

Symptoms This is one of the other very Interesting VMM cases I worked on recently . The issue was...

Date: 04/02/2015

Getting Error “Error (2912): "An internal error has occurred trying to contact the server: NO_PARAM: NO_PARAM” while trying to Deploy a Virtual machine in System Center Virtual machine Manager(SCVMM)

  Here is another interesting VMM issue on which I worked recently. We were getting the...

Date: 03/31/2015

System Center Virtual Machine Manager(SCVMM) is using BITS instead of Fast File Copy while creating a new VM

  So far you would have seen Blog Posts from me only on Microsoft Security Products like ISA,...

Date: 03/30/2015

Unable to access an application published through Forefront Unified Access Gateway using the “Farm of Application Servers” option

  This is a little different scenario than the usual ones as it involves the Application Farm...

Date: 10/09/2013

An Interesting case of LSASS process spiking every hour on a Forefront Threat Management Gateway(TMG) Server

  Recently I worked on a very interesting issue which I thought I would share with you. TMG...

Date: 09/02/2013

Getting “500 Internal Server Error” while trying to access an Application Published through Forefront Unified Access Gateway(UAG)

    I am sure we all would have encountered the “500 Internal Server Error” while trying...

Date: 08/16/2013

Outlook Anywhere and Autodiscover don't work when Published through Forefront Unified Access Gateway (UAG)

  Recently I worked on an issue where we were unable to access Outlook Anywhere and...

Date: 08/16/2013

Getting Erorrs “The internal Web site [exchange] could not be created” and “The Web site [exchange] could not be added to the lIS” while Activating the Configuration on a Forefront UAG(Unified Access Gateway) server

  You will see the below errors on a Forefront UAG server while activating the UAG...

Date: 07/07/2013

Unable to Configure “File Access” Feature on Forefront Unified Access Gateway Server

    Introduction I am sure most of us will be aware of the “File Access” Functionality...

Date: 06/25/2013

Dilemma of Name Resolution Process with PING vs NSLOOKUP

    Introduction For a long time I wanted to write on this Topic as I have seen that it is...

Date: 06/24/2013

Connectivity Verifier for the Web Servers in the Web Farm shows “ERROR” in the Farm Monitor Status in Web Monitor on the Forefront Unified Access Gateway Server

    Introduction It is a very common scenario where we have multiple internal web servers...

Date: 06/22/2013

Microsoft Firewall Service(WSPSRV.exe) on Forefront TMG(Threat Management Gateway) is not Starting

  Introduction: I am sure many of us would have faced the issue where the Firewall Service on...

Date: 06/03/2013

Clients are unable to upload TEXT files larger than 70MB to a SharePoint site Published through Forefront UAG(Unified Access Gateway) via IE

    It’s a very common scenario where we try to Upload Files on a SharePoint Site...

Date: 05/06/2013

EnterpriseVault Archive Folder is not Accessible from the External Clients while accessing OWA Published through Forefront TMG(Threat Management Gateway)

  Introduction I have seen a lot of people using Archiving Solutions for Emails from...

Date: 05/06/2013

SSO(Single Sign-On) doesn’t work for a SharePoint Application Published through Forefront UAG(Unified Access Gateway) when we use Client Certificate Authentication(CAC) to Authenticate on the UAG Portal

      Scenario I am sure a lot of us would have worked on Client Certificate...

Date: 05/05/2013

PerformancePoint Dashboard Designer Application Doesn’t Work When SharePoint Is Published Through Forefront TMG(Threat Management Gateway)

  Background Recently I worked on an Issue where we had SharePoint 2010 Published through TMG...

Date: 05/05/2013

Getting a Red X on the DCA(Direct Access Connectivity Assistant) on the DA clients connecting through Forefront

  Introduction You would have come across a lot of times a scenario where you are able to...

Date: 05/05/2013

Published Resources Stop Being Accessed on an ISA/TMG Server

Introduction: ‘Unable to access resources which are published on ISA server’ is a very common issue....

Date: 06/02/2010

ISA is not always at fault when FTP is not working

  1. Introduction We experience a lot of issues in accessing Outbound FTP from the Web Proxy clients...

Date: 02/08/2010

Can't browse Web servers on a remote site when using IPsec tunnels to connect sites on a Windows Server 2003-based computer that is running ISA Server 2004, ISA Server 2006, or Forefront Threat Management Gateway

SYMPTOMS: You are using Internet Protocol security (IPsec) tunnels to connect remote sites to each...

Date: 02/08/2010