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Upcoming talks on Windows Web Services API.

If you are interested in learning more about Windows Web Services API and how to use them to connect native code and web services, here are the upcoming events for you.

1.       Microsoft Virtual TechDays for Developers take place on April 1, 2009. You can participate in an online meeting where we will look on how you can build web services and clients to them using WWS API. You can register for the session here. In this session, I plan to spend majority of the time on introducing the API and showing how to use it to build simple clients to WCF services and native code only web services.

WIN301 Building Web Services and Clients to Web Services in Native Code

In this session, we look into how you can use Windows Web Services API to connect native code to SOAP-based Web services. We discuss building both Web services that expose native code and native code clients to Web services. We drill down into how this API helps in building applications that take full advantage of the Microsoft software and services platform. We use Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 SP1 and Windows SDK for Windows 7 in all demos.

2.       Visual C++ Development Laboratory runs from May 4 through May 8, 2009 in the Platform Adoption Center on Microsoft Campus. During the lab, Visual C++ team is going to help you with porting your code to Visual Studio 2010. At the same time, the team that works on WWS API can help you start using WWS API in your code. It is a great opportunity for you to meet the team in person. Space is limited and if you and your company are interested please go to this registration page to apply.

3. Microsoft TechEd North America 2009 takes place in Los Angeles, CA from May 11 through May 15, 2009. I am also preparing a session for this conference. I am planning to spend 20% of it on introduction of the API and then show API in action for the rest of the time. This is session DTL311 with title “Connecting Native Code and Web Services Using Windows Web Services API”.


I am looking forward to meeting you at these events and helping you to use the API in your products.
