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The new Business Intelligence frontiers: Individual and Civilization

I just realized that blogs will soon be obsolete artifacts. Let me explain why:

  • For over 10 thousand years “writing, painting and talking” have been the most basic communication tools we use to describe our lives. In the early computing days storage was very limited; I remember tools like WinDirStat to understand how precious storage was managed. Toda on social networks we share Images, Video and we can expect to cover 3D data types in the mid term future. Released this month, “Total Recall:How the E-Memory Revolution Will Change Everything” describe how we’ll be able to save all conversations, images, music, documents from our lives. $1000 will buy 250Tb of storage, we’ll eventually have real “full biography” from individuals reproducing exactly what was said and heard. The implications are probably at the same level of the arrival of the PC or the Internet. Clearly, Personal BI will need to evolve: Tools similar to TimeSnapper that help you understand how you currently use a single device. The Cloud will be an enabler to integrate information from other devices, e.g. FitBit that daylong habits.
  • Now consider other dimension, you can clearly see a lot of activity on Public data and  Social networks mining (e.g. Planetary-scale views on a large instant messaging network) and Reality mining. Information Technology latest goals is to manage all the assets from our civilizations, as Carl Sagan described on the last chapter of Cosmos: we’ll need Civilization BI.

People will always appreciate a good writing without having to hear it directly from the author… but all artifacts including blogs will soon be obsolete because We’ll be able to share “full fidelity lifestreams”


  • Anonymous
    May 15, 2010
    blogging may become obsolete, but people will always find ways to express their opinions about the recent advancements in technology. It can still be considered as blogging but in a different way.