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Office SharePoint Server 2007 - Training Material Roadmap


Training Material Roadmap

Author: Neil Thompson (
Site: Neil’s MSDN Blog page
Date: September 2007

Click here for the word document version of this document.



This document provides an extensive series of links to publicly available reference material for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 ® and Office SharePoint Server 2007®. The intention of this document is to accelerate the process of familiarizing Technical Staff members with the features and characteristics of these products.



This document provides is intended for IT Administrators, Developers, and Architects who are planning to implement solutions based on Window SharePoint Services 3.0® or SharePoint Portal Server 2007®. This document addresses all phases of the solution lifecycle.


Using This Guide

This document contains a number of links to online resources. It is recommended that you follow the links to the external resources to ensure that you are accessing the latest content. For your convenience, several items have been included as part of this content release on the accompanying DVD.






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Training Material References Roadmap. 1

Abstract. 1

Audience. 1

Using This Guide. 1

Getting Started. 4

Online Reading. 5

Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Technical Library. 5

SharePoint Server 2007 Technical Library. 5

Downloadable Books. 7

Downloadable Books for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. 7

Downloadable Books for SharePoint Server 2007. 7

MOSS 2007 - Getting started. 7

MOSS 2007 - Planning. 7

MOSS 2007 - Deployment. 8

Operations. 8

MOSS 2007 - Security. 8

MOSS 2007 - Solutions. 8

Virtual Labs. 10

Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. 10

SharePoint Server 2007. 10

Webcasts. 12

Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. 12

Office SharePoint Server 2007. 13

Enterprise Search. 13

Enterprise Content Management. 14

Excel Services & Business Intelligence. 15

Workflow.. 16

Communication & Collaboration. 17

DVD Content. 18

Downloadable Books. 18

MP3 PodCasts. 18

Miscellaneous Content. 20


Getting Started


The material in the “Getting Started” section will give you a basic grounding in SharePoint technologies with a minimum amount of time and effort. Once you have finished all of the content in this section, you will be better prepared to explore the other sections that have greater depth of information.

TechNet Webcast: An In-Depth Look at Windows SharePoint Services and Office SharePoint Server 2007 (Level 200)

Tune in to this webcast for a technical overview of Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007. We look at the goals of Office SharePoint Server 2007, explore the functional architecture, and examine each of the new feature areas in detail. We also demonstrate the new portal design and features. Join us to see how the latest releases of Office SharePoint Server 2007 and Windows SharePoint Services handle collaboration, communication, and business intelligence (BI).

TechNet Webcast Express: Introducing New Features in SharePoint Server 2007 (Level 100)

Join this TechNet Webcast Express to learn more about the new features of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007. This includes exploring the content management options, in addition to the new search features. Presenter: Matt Hester, IT Pro Evangelist, Microsoft Corporation According to Matt Hester, being an IT professional means working with computers right where the magic begins. Matt loves reaching out to users and customers in the local community, and he gets a thrill from installing a server that can send e-mail or provide other valuable services.

Office SharePoint Product Page – This webpage provides basic links and articles to familiarize yourself with Office SharePoint Server and download evaluation editions. Key items include:

· Top 10 Benefits

· Virtual Demonstration Environment

· Free Trial Editions

Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Evaluation Guide - This Evaluation Guide is designed to give you a solid understanding of the design goals and feature set for Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and a familiarity with the implementation of this technology in Windows Server 2003. It provides an overview of the solutions and benefits enabled by Windows SharePoint Services as well as descriptions of new and improved features.

Online Reading

Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Technical Library

Representative subjects are listed under each library category below; in each category you’ll find documentation and additional resources.

* EvaluationWhat's New • Supplemental Documentation

* Planning and ArchitectureDetermine Organization and User Needs • Plan Site Structure and Navigation • Plan for Content and Search

* DeploymentUpgrade • Deploy in a Server Farm Environment • Deploy in a Stand-Alone Installation

* OperationsBackup and Restore

* Security and ProtectionRoadmap to Security

* Technical ReferenceUser Permissions and Permission Levels • Stsadm.exe Command-Line Utility

SharePoint Server 2007 Technical Library

Representative subjects are listed under each library category below; in each category you’ll find documentation and additional resources.

* Product Evaluation

What's New for IT Professionals • Supplemental Documentation • Understanding Workflow

* Planning and Architecture

Plan Overall Design • Plan Site and Content Security • Design Logical Architecture

* Deployment

Install SharePoint Server 2007 in a Server Farm Environment • Deployment Worksheets • Upgrade

* Operations

Administration • Backup and Restore • Enterprise Search

* Security and Protection

Roadmap to Security Content

* Technical Reference

Stsadm.exe Command-Line Tool • Setup.exe Command-Line Reference • Config.xml Reference

Downloadable Books

The downloadable books are included on the accompanying DVD.

Downloadable Books for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0



Updated date

Size (MB)

Planning and architecture for Windows SharePoint Services, part 1 (Download)

Covers topics such as planning sites and organizing content.

March 15, 2007


Planning and architecture for Windows SharePoint Services, part 2 (Download)

Covers topics such as determining hardware and software requirements, capacity planning, and planning for security.

June 2007


Deployment for Windows SharePoint Services, part 1 (Download)

Covers installing and configuring Windows SharePoint Services in a new deployment.

May 2007


Upgrading Windows SharePoint Services (Download)

Covers upgrading to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.

March 15, 2007


Getting Started with Windows SharePoint Services 3.0


Covers basic information about capabilities of and requirements for Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. and quick introduction plus installation steps

May 2007


Planning an Extranet Environment for Windows SharePoint Services (Download)

Provides planning recommendations for deploying Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 in an extranet environment.

June 2007


Windows SharePoint Services Security (Download)

Describes how security is implemented in Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0

June 2007


Downloadable Books for SharePoint Server 2007

MOSS 2007 - Getting started



Updated date

Size (MB)

Getting Started with Office SharePoint Server 2007 (Download)

Covers basic information about the capabilities of and requirements for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007

May 2007


MOSS 2007 - Planning



Updated date

Size (MB)

Planning and architecture for Office SharePoint Server, part 1 (Download)

Covers topics such as planning sites, planning for certain features such as forms and search, and planning for managing documents and records.

March 2007


Planning and architecture for Office SharePoint Server, part 2 (Download)

Covers topics such as determining hardware and software requirements, capacity planning, and planning for security.

March 2007


Planning an Extranet Environment for Office SharePoint Server (Download)

Covers planning recommendations for deploying Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 in an extranet environment.

June 2007


MOSS 2007 - Deployment



Updated date

Size (MB)

Deployment for Office SharePoint Server (Download)

Covers installing and configuring Office SharePoint Server in a new deployment.

June 2007


Upgrading to Office SharePoint Server (Download)

Covers upgrading to Office SharePoint Server.

March 2007





Updated date

Size (MB)

Administering Enterprise Search for Office SharePoint Server (Download)

Includes guidance and procedures for configuring and maintaining search features in Office SharePoint Server.

September 2007


MOSS 2007 - Security



Updated date

Size (MB)

Office SharePoint Server Security (Download)

Describes how security is implemented in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007.

June 2007


MOSS 2007 - Solutions



Updated date

Size (MB)

Web Publishing and Planning Guide with Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (Download)

Covers features you can use to implement the structure, navigation, and appearance of Web sites and to control how your sites are authored, approved, and published.

May 2007


Records Management Guide for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (Download)

Covers general records management planning considerations and guidelines for configuring Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007.

May 2007


Document Management with Office SharePoint Server 2007 (Download)

Covers document management features that you can use to control the lifecycles of documents in your organization.

June 2007


Virtual Labs


Virtual labs are web accessible servers that allow you to immediately interact with the software, without having to setup any infrastructure or install any software. These labs are free and immensely valuable for quickly getting hands on experience.

Windows SharePoint Services 3.0


1. TechNet Virtual Lab: Using Microsoft Windows PowerShell for Administration and Customization of Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0

2. TechNet Virtual Lab: Enterprise Search Protocol Handlers (Lab 8 of 8)

3. TechNet Virtual Lab: Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services Installation and Configuration

4. TechNet Virtual Lab: Customizing Enterprise Search (Lab 3 of 8)

5. TechNet Virtual Lab: Enterprise Search Security and Compliance (Lab 2 of 8)

6. TechNet Virtual Lab: Creating Workflows for Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0

7. TechNet Virtual Lab: What's New in Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Feature Walkthrough

8. TechNet Virtual Lab: Introducing Content Types for Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0

9. TechNet Virtual Lab: Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services Installation and Configuration


SharePoint Server 2007


1. TechNet Virtual Lab: Search Administration and Customization in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007

2. TechNet Virtual Lab: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Installation and Configuration

3. TechNet Virtual Lab: Enterprise Search Protocol Handlers (Lab 8 of 8)

4. TechNet Virtual Lab: Business Data Catalog in Enterprise Search (Lab 7 of 8)

5. TechNet Virtual Lab: Configuring Microsoft Office SharePoint Server for Enterprise Search (Lab 5 of 8)

6. TechNet Virtual Lab: Enterprise Search Overview (Lab 1 of 8)

7. TechNet Virtual Lab: Forefront Security for SharePoint

8. TechNet Virtual Lab: Getting Started with the Business Data Catalog in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007

9. TechNet Virtual Lab: Synchronizing data between SharePoint 2007 and Groove 2007

10. TechNet Virtual Lab: Synchronizing data between SharePoint 2007 and Groove 2007

11. TechNet Virtual Lab: What's New in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007

12. TechNet Virtual Lab: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Records Management Deployment and Configuration

13. TechNet Virtual Lab: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Enterprise Features Administration



The webcasts listed below are simply a representative sample from a much larger list of valuable webcasts. After watching the webcasts below, please go to for further webcasts.

Windows SharePoint Services 3.0

Microsoft Office System Webcast: Tips and Tricks for Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services (Level 200)

Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services, a key component of Microsoft Windows Server 2003, takes file storage to a new level, providing Web sites for team collaboration and making it easy for users to work together on documents, tasks, contacts, events, and more. Join this webcast to learn how your team can use Windows SharePoint Services to collaborate. For example, you can use SharePoint Services to read and edit all of a site's shared content with Microsoft Office Word 2003, Excel 2003, and PowerPoint 2003. Find out how you and your team can get more out of SharePoint Services and make collaboration the engine of team productivity.Presenter: Andy Reed, Senior Training Specialist, Pacific Technical Consulting (PTC)For the past nine years, Andy Reed has trained customers worldwide to use Microsoft technologies and products. As a senior training specialist and consultant for his company, Pacific Technical Consulting, Andy approaches Microsoft products from a customer’s point of view.To avoid possible problems, we suggest you temporarily disable pop-up blocker software before viewing the webcast.View other sessions from Microsoft Office Tips & Tricks.Questions?  Feedback?  Use Webcast Contact Us…

4/26/2006 5:00 PM Pacific Time (US & Canada)- 4/25/2008 12:00 AM | Duration:61 Minutes

Primary Language: English

Primary Target Audience: Business PC User


Office SharePoint Server 2007


Click here for WebCasts targeted to Business and Technical Decision makers.

TechNet Webcast: SharePoint Server 2007 Search Technical Drilldown (Level 200)

In this webcast, we review the new Search features in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007. We look at the challenges you face supporting disparate repositories, and we illustrate how SharePoint Server 2007 can help you address those issues. Discover the new features and enhanced architecture of SharePoint Server 2007 as we explore some specific SharePoint Server 2007 usage scenarios.

3/13/2007 1:00 AM Pacific Time (US & Canada)- 3/12/2009 12:00 AM | Duration:78 Minutes

Primary Language: English

Primary Target Audience: IT Professionals

MSDN Webcast: Enterprise Search Technical Drilldown on SharePoint Server 2007 (Level 300)

Simulcast from Microsoft Tech·Ed 2006 in Boston, MA. This webcast explains how to work with the new search technology in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007. We demonstrate how to crawl different types of content sources and view the Gatherer Log for troubleshooting purposes. We also recommend best practices for developing a search strategy and illustrate how to implement a search strategy using different farm scenarios.

6/15/2006 3:00 PM Pacific Time (US & Canada)- 6/14/2008 12:00 AM | Duration:78 Minutes

Primary Language: English

Primary Target Audience: Developer


Enterprise Content Management

TechNet Webcast: Build Great Looking Sites Using Web Content Management Features in Office SharePoint Server 2007 (Level 200)

Join this webcast for a technical review of the new Web content management features in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007. We show you how to build a rich publishing site with a consistent, customized look and feel. Discover how you can create Web pages in context, using applications like Microsoft Office Word, that stay in sync with the look and feel of your Web site. We also demonstrate how site managers can control the content that is published using features like workflow and scheduling, and we discuss how to customize the authoring interface and experience.

11/10/2006 9:30 PM Pacific Time (US & Canada)- 11/9/2008 12:00 AM | Duration:81 Minutes

Primary Language: English

Primary Target Audience: IT Professionals

TechNet Webcast: Best Practices for Developing, Deploying, and Maintaining Forms Solutions (Level 200)

In this webcast, we provide best practices for effectively developing a forms solution in an organization. Deploying an application is a vital part of the development process, and it is often overlooked. Join us as we look at the different strategy…s for deploying forms solutions and explore how deploying a forms solution requires thorough testing and refinement. We discuss how applications need maintenance once they are deployed in a production environment. We also explain how to update a forms solution application based on change management requests and how to ensure continual stability within an application through regression testing. Presenter: John Baker, TechNet Presenter, Microsoft CorporationJohn Baker started in Microsoft Consulting Services as an infrastructure consultant. He has logged more than 100 TechNet Events and given presentations for the launch of the Microsoft Office System. John has also delivered a variety of webcasts and live events that tackle Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory and Group Policy, Microsoft Systems Management Sever (SMS) 2003, and Microsoft SQL Server 2005. As an IT professional, John loves how new products and technologies are always lurking around the corner. That is also a major challenge, which is why he recently completed the Windows Server 2003 MCSE upgrade certification and two security exams. Choose how you want to access this content:View this webcast online (Slides, demonstrations, and audio): Register above.Download a WMV (Slides, demonstrations, and audio): Register above.Download the webcast PowerPoint: Register above.Download this podcast (audio only): WMA | MP3 (right click and ‘save target as’ to download)Subscribe to an RSS feed for the podcast series: WMA | MP3 View other sessions from 2007 Office System Webcasts: Plan and Deploy with Confidence.To avoid possible problems, we suggest you temporarily disable pop-up blocker software before viewing the webcast. Register to view this on-demand webcast and download a .wmv of the webcast now. By registering, you will also receive a confirmation email the following day with a link to the PowerPoint download. NoteBy registering for this webcast - you will receive a one-time follow up call from a Microsoft representative to inform you of special discounts and offers related to products and services presented in the webcast.If you have questions or feedback, contact us.

12/20/2006 9:30 PM Pacific Time (US & Canada)- 12/19/2008 12:00 AM | Duration:83 Minutes

Primary Language: English

Primary Target Audience: IT Professionals


Excel Services & Business Intelligence

TechNet Webcast: Microsoft Office Excel Services Technical Overview (Level 200)

In this webcast, we look at the new Excel Services, which is part of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007. We show how Excel Services extends the capabilities of Microsoft Office Excel 2007 by allowing broad sharing of spreadsheets, in addition to improved manageability and security. Attend this session to learn how Excel Services enables you to reuse spreadsheet models through a scalable server-based calculation service and an interactive Web-based user interface. We illustrate how Excel Services provides a Web-based user interface for browser-based access and a Web services API for programmatic access, both of which have robust options for controlling what data is available to users and applications. Excel Services also takes advantage of the other capabilities of SharePoint Server 2007, including enterprise content management features like check-in/check-out, auditing, and versioning capabilities. Presenter: Matt Hester, Technology Specialist, Microsoft CorporationAs a TechNet presenter on the Seminar Sales team at Microsoft, Matt Hester's expertise is in demonstrating the business value of technology. Matt draws on his previous experience as a messaging and collaboration technology specialist. He relies on his deep knowledge of core infrastructure products and technologies like Microsoft Windows, Active Directory, and Exchange Server. Matt also contributes articles to the Exchange Insider series on the TechNet Web site. Choose how you want to access this content: View the webcast online (slides, demonstrations, and audio): Register above. Download the webcast (slides, demonstrations, and audio): Register above. Download the podcast (audio only): WMA | MP3 (right click and ‘save target as’ to download) Subscribe to the RSS feed for the podcast series: WMA | MP3View other sessions from 2007 Office System Webcasts: Plan and Deploy with Confidence. NoteBy registering for this webcast - you will receive a one-time follow up call from a Microsoft representative to inform you of special discounts and offers related to products and services presented in the webcast.If you have questions or feedback, contact us.o …

10/27/2006 7:30 PM Pacific Time (US & Canada)- 10/26/2008 12:00 AM | Duration:73 Minutes

Primary Language: English

Primary Target Audience: IT Professionals

MSDN Webcast: SharePoint Server 2007 and Business Intelligence (Level 200)

In this webcast, we discuss business intelligence (BI) (advanced reporting) integration with your Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Web site. We demonstrate configuration of Excel Services in SharePoint Server 2007, key performance indicators (KPIs), and more.

6/22/2007 8:00 PM Pacific Time (US & Canada)- 6/21/2009 12:00 AM | Duration:60 Minutes

Primary Language : English

Primary Target Audience : Developer



MSDN Webcast: Developing Windows SharePoint Services Workflows (Level 200)

Windows SharePoint Services provides excellent facilities for working with business processes. In this "webcast by request," we review the workflow development processes associated with Windows SharePoint Services. We look at the included workflows, modifying workflows in Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007, and creating and modifying workflows in the Microsoft Visual Studio development system.Presenters: Lynn Langit, MSDN Developer Evangelist, Microsoft Corporation, and Mike Benkovich, MSDN Developer Evangelist, Microsoft CorporationView other sessions from: SharePoint Server: Connect People, Processes, and Information.If you have questions or feedback, contact us. …

7/6/2007 8:00 PM Pacific Time (US & Canada)- 7/5/2009 12:00 AM | Duration:62 Minutes

Primary Language: English

Primary Target Audience: Developer

TechNet Webcast: Workflow in Microsoft SharePoint Products and Technologies 2007: Out-of-the-Box and Creating Custom Workflows (Level 200)

Simulcast from Microsoft Tech·Ed 2007 in Orlando, FL. In this session, we discuss the integration of Windows Workflow Foundation into Windows SharePoint Services version 3.0; how workflows are designed, stored, and used; and which capabilities are enhanced by taking advantage of client and server technology. We explain different authoring tools and techniques, including how to create no-code workflows using Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 and provide guidance on deployment and management in a Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 environment….

6/5/2007 12:00 AM Pacific Time (US & Canada)- 6/5/2009 11:59 PM | Duration:75 Minutes

Primary Language: English

Primary Target Audience: IT Professionals


Communication & Collaboration

TechNet Webcast: Real-Time Collaboration and Office SharePoint Server 2007 (Level 200)

In this session, we explore how real-time collaboration solutions that use Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, Microsoft Office Live Meeting, and Microsoft Office Live Communications Server 2007 enable you to bring customers, coworkers, and …

12/11/2006 11:30 PM Pacific Time (US & Canada)- 12/10/2008 12:00 AM | Duration:71 Minutes

Primary Language: English

Primary Target Audience: IT Professionals

Microsoft Podcast: Process-Driven Collaboration with Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and Outlook 2007

Step inside Windows SharePoint Services version 3.0 and see how you can connect workspaces, calendars, and tasks with Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 to better manage your projects. See how workflows facilitate process management communication, such as obtaining approval for an expense report.

7/3/2007 12:00 AM Pacific Time (US & Canada)- 7/3/2008 11:59 PM | Duration:41 Minutes

Primary Language: English

Primary Target Audience: Other


DVD Content

This section provides a summary of the materials available on the accompanying DVD.

Downloadable Books

All of the books listed in the “Downloadable Books” section are also available on the DVD. Alternatively, you may follow the links from the same section and download them directly.

MP3 PodCasts

You may also download this content by typing in the 10-digit number at the end of the filename in the search page, and selecting the MP3 or WMA (audio only format). You may also choose to view the webcast and (if available) download the PowerPoint Deck

1. Accelerate Desktop Deployment with the Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack 1032322632.mp3

2. Compliance and Records Management with Office SharePoint Server 2007 1032326663.mp3

3. Deploying the 2007 Office System with the Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment 2007 1032322630.mp3

4. How Microsoft IT Deployed Office Groove 2007 1032321925.mp3

5. How Microsoft IT Deployed the 2007 Office System 1032321921.mp3

6. How Microsoft IT Manages the World's Largest Windows SharePoint Services Deployment 1032324073.mp3

7. Integrating the Business Data Catalog (BDC) and Applications Using Office SharePoint Server 2007 1032326648.mp3

8. Microsoft Office Webcast An In-Depth Look at SharePoint Server 2007 Search Technology (Level 200) 1032305441.mp3

9. Microsoft Office Webcast Benefits of Deploying the 2007 Microsoft Office System (Level 100) 1032298453.mp3

10. Microsoft Office Webcast Compliance and Records Management with Office SharePoint Server 2007 (Level 200) 1032305464.mp3

11. Microsoft Office Webcast Deploying the 2007 Version of the Microsoft Office System Client (Level 200) 1032298455.mp3

12. Microsoft Office Webcast Deploying Windows Vista and the 2007 Microsoft Office System with Business Desktop Deployment (BDD) Vista (Part 1) (Level 300) 1032301258.mp3

13. Microsoft Office Webcast Disaster Recovery Planning for Office SharePoint Server 2007 (Level 200) 1032305452.mp3

14. Microsoft Office Webcast Introducing New Document Analysis and Migration Tools for the 2007 Microsoft Office System (Level 300) 1032306849.mp3

15. Microsoft Office Webcast Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Overview and What's New (Level 200) 1032298079.mp3

16. Microsoft Office Webcast Office SharePoint Server 2007 Functional and Architectural Overview (Level 200) 1032305064.mp3

17. Microsoft Office Webcast Overview of Server Components in the 2007 Microsoft Office System (Level 200) 1032298360.mp3

18. Microsoft Webcast Enterprise Search at Microsoft with Office SharePoint Server 2007 1032323829.mp3

19. Microsoft Webcast Optimizing Your Infrastructure with Windows Vista, Exchange Server 2007, and the 2007 Microsoft Office System (Level 100) 1032312813.mp3

20. Microsoft Webcast Using the 2007 Office System for Business Intelligence 1032319723.mp3

21. New Microsoft Webcast Improve Productivity and Communication Using Office SharePoint Server 2007 (Level 100) 1032325174.mp3

22. Office Groove 2007 Guided Hands-on Labcast 1032322913.mp3

23. Planning for and Deploying Office SharePoint Server 2007 (Part 1 of 2) 1032322484.mp3

24. Planning for and Deploying Office SharePoint Server 2007 (Part 2 of 2) 1032322486.mp3

25. readme.txtTechNet Office Webcast Upgrading and Migrating to Office SharePoint Server 2007 (Level 200) 1032306516.mp3

26. TechNet Webcast Data Mining Add-ins for the 2007 Office System 1032317015.mp3

27. TechNet Webcast How Microsoft IT Deployed and Architected SharePoint Server 2007 1032313966.mp3

28. TechNet Webcast SharePoint Security from Service Accounts to Item-Level Access 1032313269.mp3

29. TechNet Webcast Technical Overview of Office Groove 2007 1032316532.mp3

30. TechNet Webcast Upgrading and Migrating to Office SharePoint Server 2007 (Level 200) 1032341241.mp3

31. TechNet Webcast Using SQL Server Analysis Services with the 2007 Microsoft Office System 1032317013.mp3

32. TechNet Webcast An In-Depth Look at SharePoint Server 2007 Search Technology 1032309958.mp3

33. TechNet Webcast An In-Depth Look at Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and Office SharePoint Server 2007 1032312690.mp3

34. TechNet Webcast Best Practices for Developing, Deploying, and Maintaining Forms Solutions 1032310392.mp3

35. TechNet Webcast Business Intelligence Using the 2007 Microsoft Office System (Level 200) 1032327292.mp3

36. TechNet Webcast Communicator Web Access for Communications Server 2007 (Level 200) 1032338342.mp3

37. TechNet Webcast Compliance and Archival Capabilities in Communications Server 2007 (Level 200) 1032338850.mp3

38. TechNet Webcast Controlling Your SharePoint Server 2007 Sites with IT Governance (Level 200) 1032338674.mp3

39. TechNet Webcast Delivering High-Quality VoIP Using Communications Server 2007 (Level 200) 1032337402.mp3

40. TechNet Webcast Deploying and Managing Groove 2007 (Level 300) 1032330866.mp3

41. TechNet Webcast Deploying Microsoft Windows Vista and the 2007 Office System Using Business Desktop Deployment 2007 (Level 200) 1032333548.mp3

42. TechNet Webcast Deploying Windows Vista and the 2007 Microsoft Office System Using BDD 2007 1032306976.mp3

43. TechNet Webcast Deploying Windows Vista and the 2007 Office System Using Business Desktop Deployment (BDD) 2007 (Level 200) 1032324692.mp3

44. TechNet Webcast Deploying Windows Vista and the 2007 Office System with Business Desktop Deployment 2007 (Level 200) 1032341234.mp3

45. TechNet Webcast Disaster Recovery Planning for Office SharePoint Server 2007 (Level 200) 1032326676.mp3

46. TechNet Webcast Disaster Recovery Strategies for SharePoint Server 2007 (Level 200) 1032334637.mp3

47. TechNet Webcast Enabling External User Access in Communications Server 2007 (Level 200) 1032338345.mp3

48. TechNet Webcast Extending Search Capabilities with Office SharePoint Server 2007 (Level 300) 1032325468.mp3

49. TechNet Webcast How Microsoft IT Deploys Exchange Server 2007 Unified Messaging (Level 300) 1032337405.mp3

50. TechNet Webcast Implementing Instant MessagingPresence and Conferencing in Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 (Level 200) 1032334975.mp3

51. TechNet Webcast Integrating Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 Forms into Workflow Solutions and Business Processes1032310380.mp3

52. TechNet Webcast Integrating the Business Data Catalog and Business Applications Using Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 1032310385.mp3

53. TechNet Webcast Microsoft Office Excel Services Technical Overview 1032309817.mp3

54. TechNet Webcast Office Communicator 2007 Customization and Extensibility (Level 200) 1032338952.mp3

55. TechNet Webcast Planning for and Deploying SharePoint Server 2007 (Part 2 of 2) (Level 200) 1032330088.mp3

56. TechNet Webcast Scaling Out Excel Calculations Using Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003 (Part 1 of 2) (Level 200) 1032330860.mp3

57. TechNet Webcast Scaling Out Excel Calculations Using Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003 (Part 2 of 2) (Level 300) 1032331350.mp3

58. TechNet Webcast Security for SharePoint Products and Technologies (Level 200) 1032330328.mp3

59. TechNet Webcast SharePoint Products and Technologies Security from Service Accounts to Item-Level Access (Level 200) 1032338339.mp3

60. TechNet Webcast SharePoint Server 2007 Search Technical Drilldown (Level 200) 1032330507.mp3

61. TechNet Webcast Technical Overview of Excel Services (Level 200) 1032326684.mp3

62. TechNet Webcast Technical Overview of Excel Services (Level 200) 1032330082.mp3

63. TechNet Webcast Technical Overview of Forefront Security for SharePoint (Level 200) 1032338140.mp3

64. TechNet Webcast Understanding Call Routing in Office Communications Server 2007 (Level 200) 1032334981.mp3

65. TechNet Webcast Upgrading and Migrating to Office SharePoint Server 2007 (Level 200) 1032335638.mp3

66. TechNet Webcast Working with the Office Open XML Formats 1032310388.mp3

67. TechNet WebcastBuild Great Looking Sites Using Web Content Management Features in Office SharePoint Server 2007 1032311865.mp3

68. Upgrading and Migrating to Office SharePoint Server 2007 1032321929.mp3

Miscellaneous Content

1. 32 and 64 bit versions of WSS 3.0

2. WSS 3.0 Evaluation Guide


  • Anonymous
    October 17, 2007
    Hay veces en las que escribo entradas a partir de extraer información o noticias que aparecen para quitar