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Advanced Workflow Services Talk (Demo 1 of 4)

So, last week I wrapped up a conversation at TechReady, our internal conference, where I was talking about the integration between WF and WCF in .NET 3.5.  This talk was somewhat bittersweet, it's the last conference where I'm scheduled to talk about WF 3.0/3.5, I'll start talking about WF 4.0 at PDC this fall. 

There are a series of 4 demos that we'll talk about in this series:

  1. Basic Context Management
  2. Simple Duplex
  3. Long Running Work Pattern
  4. Conversations Pattern

I've gotten a lot of requests to post the code samples, so I want to do that here:

Sample 1, Basic Management of Context

The goal of this sample is to show the way that the context channel works, and how to interact with it from imperative code.


  • One basic workflow service that simply has two Receive activities bound to the same operation inside of a sequence.
  • image
  • Inside each Receive, I have placed a Code Activity that simply outputs a little bit of info (the vars declared on lines 1 and 2 are used by the Receive activities:


  •     1:  public String returnValue = default(System.String);
        2:  public String inputMessage = default(System.String);
        4:  private void codeActivity1_ExecuteCode(object sender, EventArgs e)
        5:  {
        6:      returnValue = string.Format("first activity {0}", inputMessage);
        7:      Output(inputMessage + " Activity 1");
        8:  }
       10:  private void Output(string message)
       11:  {
       12:      Console.WriteLine("Workflow {0} : Message {1}", this.WorkflowInstanceId, message);
       13:  }
       15:  private void codeActivity2_ExecuteCode(object sender, EventArgs e)
       16:  {
       17:      returnValue = string.Format("second activity {0}", inputMessage);
       18:      Output(inputMessage + " Activity 2");
       19:  }



  • Create a client type that will call the service for us

     class IWorkflowClient : ClientBase<Intro1.IWorkflow1>, Intro1.IWorkflow1
        public IWorkflowClient() : base() { }
        public IWorkflowClient(Binding binding, EndpointAddress address) : base(binding, address) { }
        public string Hello(string message)
            return base.Channel.Hello(message);
  • Create a utility function CheckAndPrintContext()

     private static void CheckAndPrintContext(IContextManager icm)
        if (null != icm) Console.WriteLine("Context contains {0} elements", icm.GetContext().Count);
        if (null != icm)
            if (icm.GetContext().Count > 0)
                foreach (string xmlName in icm.GetContext().Keys)
                    Console.WriteLine("key : {0}", xmlName);
                    Console.WriteLine("value : {0}", icm.GetContext()[xmlName]);
    • The thing to note here is that we need to traverse the dictionary, since there could be more than one key in here, although there won't be in this sample.
  • Now, let's run the three different bits of code, we want to first show the happy path, show how to break it, and then show how to explicitly manage the context token

  • Scenario 1: The Happy Path

        1:  private static void DemoOne()
        2:  {
        3:      Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to Send a Message and reuse proxy");
        4:      // Console.ReadLine();
        5:      Debugger.Break();
        6:      IWorkflowClient iwc = new IWorkflowClient(new NetTcpContextBinding(),
        7:          new EndpointAddress("net.tcp://localhost:10001/Intro1"));
        8:      IContextManager icm = iwc.InnerChannel.GetProperty<IContextManager>();
        9:      if (null != icm) Console.WriteLine("Context contains {0} elements", icm.GetContext().Count);
       10:      string s = iwc.Hello("message1");
       11:      Console.WriteLine("the service returned the message '{0}'", s);
       12:      CheckAndPrintContext(icm);
       13:      s = iwc.Hello("message2");
       14:      icm = iwc.InnerChannel.GetProperty<IContextManager>();
       15:      CheckAndPrintContext(icm);
       16:      Console.WriteLine("the service returned the message '{0}'", s);
       17:      Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to Continue");
       18:  }
    • What's going on here?
      • Line 5, a more convenient way in demos to hit a breakpoint
      • Line 10: Call the service
      • Line 12: CheckAndPrint the Context Token.  In this case, this will print the Guid of the initiated workflow that is contained in the token
      • Line 13: Call the service a second time
        • Look at the service window, you'll see that this message has been routed to the same instance of the workflow.
        • You can also see in Line 16 that the second activities return message is included.
  • Scenario 2: The Path Grows Darker

        1:  // show this not working using a second client
        2:  private static void DemoTwo()
        3:  {
        4:      Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to Send a Message (it will break this time)");
        5:      //Console.ReadLine();
        6:      Debugger.Break();
        7:      IWorkflowClient iwc = new IWorkflowClient(new NetTcpContextBinding(),
        8:          new EndpointAddress("net.tcp://localhost:10001/Intro1"));
        9:      IContextManager icm = iwc.InnerChannel.GetProperty<IContextManager>();
       10:      if (null != icm) Console.WriteLine("Context contains {0} elements", icm.GetContext().Count);
       11:      string s = iwc.Hello("message1");
       12:      Console.WriteLine("the service returned the message '{0}'", s);
       13:      CheckAndPrintContext(icm);
       14:      iwc = new IWorkflowClient(new NetTcpContextBinding(),
       15:         new EndpointAddress("net.tcp://localhost:10001/Intro1"));
       16:      s = iwc.Hello("message2");
       17:      Console.WriteLine("the service returned the message '{0}'", s);
       18:      icm = iwc.InnerChannel.GetProperty<IContextManager>();
       19:      CheckAndPrintContext(icm);
       20:      Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to Continue");
       21:  }
    • What's going on here? (Same until line 14)
      • Line 14: Let's create a new proxy. 
      • Line 15: Call the service using the new proxy.  You'll note on the server side that a second workflow instance has been created.  This is where we break.
      • Line 19: On the client side, you'll see that the second GUID being returned
  • Scenario 3: Finding the Light

        1:  // show this working with a second client by caching the context
        2:  private static void DemoThree()
        3:  {
        4:      Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to Send a Message (we'll cache the context and apply it to the new proxy)");
        5:      // Console.ReadLine();
        6:      Debugger.Break();
        7:      IWorkflowClient iwc = new IWorkflowClient(new NetTcpContextBinding(),
        8:          new EndpointAddress("net.tcp://localhost:10001/Intro1"));
        9:      IContextManager icm = iwc.InnerChannel.GetProperty<IContextManager>();
       10:      if (null != icm) Console.WriteLine("Context contains {0} elements", icm.GetContext().Count);
       11:      string s = iwc.Hello("message1");
       12:      Console.WriteLine("the service returned the message '{0}'", s);
       13:      CheckAndPrintContext(icm);
       14:      IDictionary<string, string> context = icm.GetContext();
       15:      icm = null;
       16:      iwc = new IWorkflowClient(new NetTcpContextBinding(),
       17:         new EndpointAddress("net.tcp://localhost:10001/Intro1"));
       18:      icm = iwc.InnerChannel.GetProperty<IContextManager>();
       19:      icm.SetContext(context);
       20:      s = iwc.Hello("message2");
       21:      Console.WriteLine("the service returned the message '{0}'", s);
       22:      icm = iwc.InnerChannel.GetProperty<IContextManager>();
       23:      CheckAndPrintContext(icm);
       24:      Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to Exit");
       26:  }
    • Line 14 is where the magic happens, here' we grab the context token from the IContextManager. 
    • Line 19 is where the magic completes, we apply this token to the new proxy.  Note, this proxy could be running on different machine somewhere, but one I get the context token, I can use it to communicate with the same workflow instance that the first call did.

So, what have we shown:

  • Manipulating context in workflow and imperative code

    • How to extract the context token
    • How to explicitly set the context token
  • The caching behavior of the context channel (as seen in Scenario 1)

  • The behavior of the context channel to return the context token only on the activating message


  • Anonymous
    August 05, 2008
    PingBack from

  • Anonymous
    August 06, 2008
    The team had been at the Microsoft technical readiness conference last week. The conferences are great

  • Anonymous
    August 10, 2008
    Welcome to this week's installment of my weekly document and download roundup. Even though I was in Chicago

  • Anonymous
    December 27, 2008
    Hello, please, have you got example sources of your demos?

  • Anonymous
    February 03, 2009
    Hi, These are really great sessions. Any video links available for download online streaming? Thank you, Bhavin