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Jetstress Field Guide

Last Updated : 21/06/2011

The field guide is released at major intervals on the Exchange Team Blog, however I have decided to keep dot release updates here to ensure that the very latest information is available to those that do a lot of Jetstress testing (yes, there are some of us that do a lot of stress testing!) Smile

I should point out that the version released on EHLO will have been through technical review by the Exchange product group and the CXP team to validate that it is accurate, so if this is your first time running through a Jetstress test I would recommend using the version on EHLO.

Note: I have moved the un-reviewed version to SkyDrive since that's where I keep the primary copy for edit. If you have problems accessing this copy please let me know directly.

Un-reviewed changes since last issue

  • Section 8 (Reading Jetstress Report Data) re-written for clarity
  • Updated thread count prediction
  • Added better report examples in section 8

Neil Johnson [] Senior Consultant, Microsoft Consulting Services, UK