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Windows OS Kernel for Australian Academics


I have in my hot little hands around 30 copies of the "Windows Academic Program" CD. It's a special kit coming out of our Redmond HQ that's meant for teachers (and researchers) of operating system units in tertiary institutions. Oh, what a package it is...

The disc contains:

"1- Windows Kernel in Source Code

2- Windows Curriculum Resource Kit (in .ppt)

3- Operating System Projects in the Windows-based environment"

The 'Curriculum Resource Kit' (i.e. part 2 above) contains:


1. Overview of Operating Systems

2. Operating Systems Principles

3. Concurrency

4. Scheduling and dispatch

5. Memory Management

6. Device Management: The I/O System

7. Protection and Security

8. File System

9. Real-time and Embedded Systems

10. Fault-tolerance

11. System Performance Evaluation and Troubleshooting

12. Scripting

Suplementary Units

A. Windows-basd networking

B. Comparing the Linux and Windows Kernels

C. Windows and UNIX Interoperability"

Basically, this little baby's got just about everything we can reasonably supply faculty members with for teaching and research in operating systems (curriculum included). Whether you're into Windows or *nix, knowing how the 'competitor' product does things is a great way to learn and improve your own product.

Of course, the kits are for academic use only and as such I have to validate who I send it out to, but if you're a TAFE / college / uni teacher and your'e interested in getting a copy for teaching purposes, drop me an email here.
