Announcing IntelliTrace Visual Studio 2010 SP1 - F5 collection of 64-bit and Sharepoint
It is my pleasure to announce that with the release of Service Pack 1 Beta for Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate, IntelliTrace will support both 64-bit applications, and Sharepoint projects.
Right now, if you are an MSDN subscriber, you can download the SP1 Beta for Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate.
Otherwise, on Thursday there will be a general availability release of Visual Studio 2010 SP1 Beta here.
Once you install SP1 Beta, you will be able to hit F5 and start debugging 64-bit applications and Sharepoint applications with IntelliTrace!
64-bit F5 debugging with IntelliTrace is a feature that the entire team has heard customers pine for - so download the beta, use IntelliTrace F5 to find your 64-bit and Sharepoint bugs; and please, provide feedback! We would love to hear about your troubles, tribulations, and successes with IntelliTrace.