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Windows Server 2003 Webcast Series Kicks Off!

Kevin Remde's Windows Server 2003 Webcast series started off last Wednesday February 9th with a bang! The discussion centered around WIndows Server management tools and there were over 500 people in attendance. If you missed it, you can catch up by viewing the on-demand recording at .

Today's webcast will focus on User Account Management and starts at 1pm PST. This is a 12 part series covering everything from Active Directory Users and Computers console to DNS, DHCP, VPN/RAS and many other acronyms!

I know Kevin well, he's a top notch presenter with a wickedly dry sense of humour (see how many South Park references you can get)! Check it out!

On a personal note, the snow is in retreat here, patches of white stand like islands in a sea of green grass. The weather was mild this weekend which gave me the first opportunity of the winter to walk across the frozen lake with my son. We trekked over the ice to grandma's house Sunday afternoon, I guess I should say, I trekked. Jack couldn't keep his feet, the ice was too slick. So it wasn't long before he was riding on my shoulders.

We made it to Grandma's ears red, noses running, in plenty of time for supper and were instantly rewarded with hot cocoa (with marshmallows). Good day.