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Windows Live Local

Live Local Kicks Butt

Not that long ago I was lecturing at a technical college and a student asked me, "What is this new link off the Microsoft website to Windows Live." At the time I had to confess I didn't know. (If that comes as as shock to you, I challenge you to try and keep up with our product offering for one month and then stand in front of a room of 50 people and answer all their questions. It's quite a challenge.) At any rate, I know now and you should too, but don't take it from me, see what Davis Janowski of PC Magazine said:

Feb. 2, 2006

“There's no doubt about it—all those billions in licensing fees we've paid to Microsoft over the years have finally paid off. Windows Live Local, in beta testing now, has to be one of the most addictive Web search tools out there.We're most excited about the 45-degree bird's-eye images of major U.S. cities including Boston, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, and Seattle (with others coming). Windows Live Local lets you soar like an eagle through all these major cities without ever leaving your desk.”

 Read more…,1895,1918348,00.asp

4 of 5 stars and the editors choice award!