Wednesday at TechEd
There have been some great successes in the labs. We've had an incredilbe job here, attempting to deploy over 120 labs over 8 tracks, a new interface, implementation of a bug fix/reporting process, pushing out updates and managing a 2 acres of workstations! Whew!
The new LaunchPad interface is fabulous. VPCs and lab manuels are displayed in a unified interface with easy access tabs that permit you to switch between open windows. This is the first implementation and, while there are things I'd like to see in the next rev, like split screens and copy and paste functionality from the lab manuals to the VPCs, the Launch Pad is definately something soooooo right.
I'm disappointed that we are unable to roll out a good portion of the labs, due to bugs, lack of documentation, etc...Still, people are loving what we have. We've been slammed in the Server Infrasturcture Track all day! TechEd ROCKS!