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NY Exchange Server Group Meets Tomorrow

Tuesday is The Second Tuesday of the Month sooooo....


        Next meeting will be held on Tuesday, Feb 14th at 6pm @ Microsoft. Address details below. Open to all, FREE, and dinner is included which starts the meeting off at 6pm.


         Question of the Month - To support Microsoft's entire email infrastructure of about 150,000 mailboxes worldwide, how many Exchange Servers Sites & Servers are deployed? See the NYExUG website for the answer...


        Just a reminder... you can find previous meetings information and upcoming events on the website....


See you at the meeting,

-Ben Serebin (nyexug at reefsolutions .com)


Feb 14th - Spend your Valentine's with Exchange
Open Forum on Exchange
- meet other Exchange admins, CTO, and individuals looking to expand their knowledge of Exchange

- discussion will definitely include onsite Exchange and Domain Controller backups, off-site replication, anti-virus, performance tuning, public folders, and Windows administration tips and tricks.

March 14th speaker is CommVault
Show case and Live Demo of CommVault's backup / recovery solutions(the backup vendor for Microsoft's Dog food Exchange Dept)
- Exchange backup / restore demo and in-depth discussion
- demo/discuss Active Directory object/attribute restore
- SharePoint discussion (especially with E-12 enabling Public Folders to be option)
- We’ll cover our BRM (aka base metal restore option), which is called “1-Touch System Recovery” and uses Windows/PE as part of our solution.

- We’ll cover SQL too.


April 11th speaker is Kevin Wall (bio below)
Exchange Disaster Recovery
- Scenarios
- ESE architecture
- Database recovery/repair utilities
- Transaction log replay
- Recovery Storage Group

May 9th is Kevin Wall (bio below)
High Availability and Clustering
- Data replication (various solutions)
- Geoclustering (various solutions)
- Standby clusters
- Network Load Balancing
- SMTP and Front-end server redundancy
- Tuning
- Microsoft best practices


BIO for Kevin Wall
A Principal Consultant with The Henson Group (THG), an award-winning Microsoft Gold Certified Partner based in New York City. His focus is on THG’s Infrastructure and Information Worker Practice, which focuses on such Microsoft technologies as Messaging and Collaboration, Windows Server and Active Directory, SharePoint products, and Live Communications Server. Previously, Kevin held positions in Product Support Services, Field Engineering, and technical training at Microsoft in Redmond, Washington and in New York.



Meeting Location
Microsoft NYC Office

6th Floor, in the Place Conference Room (at receptionist, go left, right, and left down hall)

The meetings occur every 2nd Tuesday of every Month. All meetings are held at Microsoft, 1290 Avenue of the Americas (between 51st/52nd) in New York.
Interested in Speaking
- Speakers can be Exchange Admins, Network Admins, and anyone knowledge-able of Exchange. Topics could be highlighting a certain aspect of Exchange (e.g. X400, Connectors, RUS, Storage Groups, Shared Hosting, etc), a product you use in your organization that is extremely helpful in increasing your productivity. If in doubt, email me, Ben Serebin. Email


Interesting Sponsoring a Meeting or Topic

- email Ben for more information on this.