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Launch Audio Blog Entries

NYC Launch!



Today was incredible! I’m well into my 16th straight hour and it does not matter. I could go all night! NYC was amazing—I spoke with so many customers, Partners and coworkers today that are just so psyched by the evolution in business heralded by the Launch kickoff today. I have captured some of those conversations and will post them here over the next few days.

Our first is with my buddy Rob Jackson, some of you will remember him as the MSDN presenter in NY/NJ a couple years back. Rob ran the demos during Steve Ballmer’s keynote. Let me tell you something. Microsoft is 63,000 employees. Most people will never even have the chance to speak with Mr. Ballmer let alone get on stage and run demos for him—so pretty much for a Microsoft geek this is just about the penultimate experience. Hear what it was like for him.

Rock Star WMA

Rock Star MP3


My friend Bill Zack was there stumping for the dot NET Developers Group in NY. Their next meeting is this Thursday at the Microsoft Offices at 51st and 6th Ave, register ahead of time so security will let you in—find out how by listening.




I ran into Assod while he was waiting on line to pick up his copy of Office 2007 and Groove 2007, which will be given out at all launch events. He was really jazzed by what he saw today. Listen to why he’s so revved up!

Customer WMA

Customer MP3


Where would we be without the rich ecosystem created by our Partners? I had the chance to talk to a Partner today who left the Launch better prepared to talk to his customers about the value of the Office 2007 system and Windows Vista. Discover what he learned.

Partner WMA

Partner MP3

My apologies to Matt for the Partner interview. It ends just a hair early--I spoke with so many people today the solid state recorder I was using ran out of space!

That’s a sampling of the event today, unedited. There will be more to come. For everybody today I didn’t get to speak with, especially Jack and Ben, I’ll catch you next time!

There are launch events left, don’t miss out on a wealth of knowledge and the opportunity to network—literally. Register today