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IT Heroes Episode XIII

Microsoft and the Small Business Administration Gulf States Initiative

In the wake of the Katrina disaster thousands of small businesses were decimated in the affected Gulf States. The Small Business Administration wanted to reach out to those businesses and make it possible for them to apply for, bid on and compete for Federal contracts. Logistically, this is normally done through online registration, but, as we know, much of the Gulf was off line after the hurricane.

In this interview we speak to David Loines of the SBA and Mike Voorhees, representing Microsoft, about the Gulf States Initiative, a program that leveraged Microsoft mobile assets to assist the SBA in getting to the folks who needed their help. 

IT Heroes: Stories from the Trenches; these are the real stories of men and women in IT making a difference everyday. We talk with authors, innovators and implementers about emerging technologies, troubleshooting and remediation of common infrastructure issues and charitable contributions in the community.  We seek to educate and provide a forum for open discussion of the many uses for and specific ways in which people are everyday exploiting technology to create opportunities for themselves and others.

Stream the SBA/Microsoft interview now!