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IT Heroes Episode X!

Geeks With Blogs/ Part II

In this two parter we talk with Jeff Julian and John Alexander about blogging, podcasting and expoiting bleeding edge technology. Jeff and John are a couple of hard charging consultants for Visionpace, a Microsoft Partner Jeff is also an XML MVP and John is a Microsoft Regional Director. If that doesn't keep them busy enough, they run and are the hosts of the www.PodcastStudio.Net show, provided as a service to the Microsoft technology community as a whole.

Why are podcasts important? Why should you care?  In this episode, we attempt to answer these and other weighty matters -- Join us, Won't you?

IT Heroes: Stories from the Trenches; these are the real stories of men and women in IT making a difference everyday. We talk with authors, innovators and implementers about emerging technologies, troubleshooting and remediation of common infrastructure issues and charitable contributions in the community.  We seek to educate and provide a forum for open discussion of the many uses for and specific ways in which people are everyday exploiting technology to create opportunities for themselves and others.

Stream the Geeks With Blogs interview now!