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IT Heroes Episode Two

Microsoft and Katrina Relief

When Katrina hit the gulf coast tens of thousands of Americans were left with nothing. Support poured into the area from all quarters; Military, Federal, NGO, Private Sector and private individuals came together to do what they could in the face of this massive disaster. In this second episode of IT Heroes we talk with Ed Faulkner and Fran Wohnsigl of the Microsoft Across America Team. This team led one of the Microsoft initiatives to support evacuees in the disaster area. We discuss the challenges and necessity of communication and connectivity in disaster areas.

This interview is the second in a new internet radio show IT Heroes: Stories from the Trenches, these are the real stories of men and women in IT making a difference everyday. We talk with authors, innovators and implementers about emerging technologies, troubleshooting and remediation of common infrastructure issues and charitable contributions in the community.  We seek to educate and provide a forum for open discussion of the many uses for and specific ways in which people are everyday exploiting technology to create opportunities for themselves and others.

Stream the Ed and Fran Interview.