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MCP Hall of Fame
Are you a shining star MCP? Get the recognition you deserve -- nominate yourself or a friend for the Microsoft Certified Professional Hall of Fame! You can also vote for your favorite candidates. One winner will be selected each month. Monthly winners will be entered into a drawing for a VIP trip to Microsoft, and will other valuable prizes. Visit to enter and vote today!

The Security Event Log: The Unofficial Guide & Chat
Chat with security expert Randy Smith about the cryptic corner of event IDs and codes in your Security Event Log. This is a great tie-in to Randy's March article. Here's your chance to chat with him first hand and ask your questions. This chat will be held on March 16, 2005 at noon EST. Visit for more information.

Token Authentication Web Seminar Available Now
More and more companies are taking the first steps toward leaving passwords behind and implementing tokens for at least a portion of their users and systems. Perhaps you need tokens for management or mobile workers. And maybe your only applications that need token support are VPN, extranet access, or PC security. How can you make a solid business case to management that justifies tokens? Are you aware of everything that the right combination of token devices and middleware can do? In this free Web seminar, you'll learn the answer to these questions and more. And, you'll receive checklists of key evaluation and testing points and critical success factors for rollout time. Register now at

Security UPDATE email newsletter
Your very own security guard, expert Mark-Joseph Edwards sends you the security warnings you need in this free weekly email newsletter. This subscription also includes breaking Security Alerts as they become available. Sign up today for this and other free email newsletters today at

Subscription Offer
User group members can subscribe to Windows IT Pro magazine for 58% off our cover price! Visit to sign up.